Alcorn State University Recruited for Federal Student Pathway Program for Careers in Public Service

The United States Department of Health and Human Services has partnered with historically Black Alcorn State University in Mississippi to introduce underrepresented students to careers in public service.

Housed in the department’s Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, the Pathways to Public Service Program has recruited historically Black Alcorn State University as its newest partner institution. The program provides participating students with virtual career fairs and professional development workshops that introduce them to federal hiring practices. Students will also receive the opportunity for paid internships and entry-level positions within the department upon graduation.

The Pathway Public Service Program was established in 2019 to develop the next generation of diverse, qualified, and motivated public health servants. Over the past five years, the program has hired over 100 student interns. More information on the Pathway Public Service Program can be found here.

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