Porché Spence Recognized for Outstanding Commitment to Advancing Diversity in Ecology

Porché Spence, assistant professor of environmental studies at North Carolina A&T State University, has received the 2024 Commitment to Human Diversity in Ecology Award from the Ecological Society of America. She was recognized for her outstanding teaching, mentoring, and outreach contributions to advancing the next generation of diverse ecologists.

Dr. Spence has been a faculty member with the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences at North Carolina A&T State University for the past four years. Earlier in her career, she held teaching appointments at North Carolina Central University and North Carolina State University.

From 2019 to 2023, Dr. Spence served as co-director of the Scholars for Conservation Leadership Program at North Carolina State University, an initiative that provides career development opportunities for underrepresented students. Throughout her career, she has developed several high school programs geared towards introducing students of color to environmental science fields.

Dr. Spence is a graduate of North Carolina Central University, where she received her bachelor’s degree in environmental science and master’s degree in earth science. She holds a Ph.D. in soil science from North Carolina State University.

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