Monthly Archives: June 2012
A Shake-Up in Diversity Efforts at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School
The Office of Diversity and Community Outreach, established in 1968, has been shut down.
The Milwaukee Scholarship Program Is Sending 10 Black Men to Morehouse College
All 10 Black male students from Milwaukee public high schools will receive full, four-year scholarships to attend Morehouse College in Atlanta.
Florida A&M University Professor Receives a U.S. Patent for Infection-Fighting Drug
Seth Y. Ablordeppey, a professor in the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, has received a U.S. patent for modifications he made to the drug Cryptolepine.
Board Approves Academic Restructuring Plan at North Carolina Central University
Fourteen academic programs at the historically Black university in Durham are being eliminated or merged into other programs.
HBCU Choir Sets Schedule and Names Conductors
The 105 Voices of History National Choir is made up of one student from each of 105 historically Black colleges and universities.
Students Learn How to Preserve HBCU Photo Collections
Twenty students from 10 historically Black colleges and universities recently took part in a seven-day workshop at the University of Delaware on preserving old photographs.
The Changing Face of Residential Segregation
Three professors of geography have produced a new study showing that while racial diversity in American cities has increased in the past two decades, highly diverse neighborhoods are still very rare.
A College Education Provides Major Economic Benefits for Blacks in California
The report found that lifetime earnings for African Americans with a four-year college degree in California have grown 85 percent, after adjusting for inflation, over the past 30 years.
Kansas State University Study Looks at the Gender Aspect of Racial Profiling
White women stopped by police were the most likely group to be let go with only a warning. Black women were just as likely as White men to be ticketed, arrested, or searched.
In Memoriam: H. Douglas Covington, 1935-2012
He was president of three HBCUs before becoming the first African American to lead a predominantly white, state-operated university in Virginia.
Chad Williams to Lead Black Studies Department at Brandeis University
For the past six years, Dr. Williams has been on the history department faculty at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York.
Danette Howard Named Secretary of Higher Education for the State of Maryland
She has been serving as interim secretary since last August and previously held research positions at the University of Maryland and the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Denise M. Linton Named Nurse Educator of the Year
She is the Dudley Joseph Plaisance Sr. BORSF Professor of Nursing at the University of Louisiana Lafayette's College of Nursing and Allied Health Professions.
Tennessee State University Names Three Interim Deans
The new interim deans are Stephanie Coursey Bailey, James A. Ellzy, and Haraldo V. Richards.
Five African Americans Named to Top Administrative Posts in Higher Education
Keith W. McIntosh, Shakeela J. Hunter, Wanda S. Mitchell, Sharon T. Stoddard, and Deborah F. Dent will be assuming new duties.
The University of Nevada at Las Vegas Names Its New Provost
Since 2007, John Valery White has been dean of the William S. Boyd School of Law at the university.
Major Progress in African American Degree Attainments
African Americans have made substantial progress over the past decade in increasing their share of degrees awarded at every level of higher education.
Linda Edmonds Turner to Lead Roxbury Community College
From 2002 to 2011, Dr. Turner was president of the Urban College of Boston.
Higher Education Grants of Interest to African-Americans
Here is this week’s news of grants to historically Black colleges and universities or for programs of particular interest to African Americans in higher education.
Recent Books That May Be of Interest to African American Scholars
The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education regularly publishes a list of new books that may be of interest to our readers. Here are the latest selections.
Online Articles That May Be of Interest to JBHE Readers
From time to time, The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education will provide links to online articles that may be of interest to our readers. Here are this week's selections.
Honorary Degrees Awarded to Blacks in 2012 From the Nation’s Highest-Ranked Universities
This spring the nation's 30 highest-ranked national universities awarded 22 honorary degrees to African Americans and other Black scholars.
New Dean at Loyola Marymount University
Bryant Keith Alexander has been serving as professor of communication studies at California State University at Los Angeles.
Saint Paul’s College Notified It Will Lose Accreditation
The HBCU in Lawrenceville, Virginia, has vowed to appeal the decision.
Harvard Study Finds Lower Education, Not Genetics, Explains Higher Rates of Hypertension Among Blacks
The study showed that blood pressure was significantly lower for Black Americans who had four years of additional education.
The Cornell Prison Education Program Holds Its First Graduation Ceremony
The graduates were the first in New York State prisons to earn State University of New York degrees since the enactment of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act in 1995.
Cheyney University Receives a Historic Diploma From Its Past
The university received a diploma issued to a woman in 1879 by the Institute for Colored Youth.
Several HBCUs “Link” With Local Community Colleges
The Links Inc. has undertaken the HBCU Community College Collaborative project, an effort to increase college completion rates for African American students.
Lincoln University of Pennsylvania to Open a New Campus
The historically Black university will offer nursing, business, and hotel, restaurant and tourism management at a new campus in Coatesville, Pennsylvania.
Benedict College to Build a New Dorm to Ease Housing Shortage on Campus
Since 2005, Benedict College has increased enrollments by nearly 700 students, a rise of almost 26 percent. As a result, there has been a shortage of campus housing.
An Honor for the Africana Studies Department at the University of Cincinnati
The department received the Sankore Institutional Award from the National Council for Black Studies at the council's annual convention in Atlanta.
Texas Study Finds Race of Teacher Has Little Impact on Black Student Performance
The study examined the academic performance of students at 198 public schools in low-income neighborhoods in the state of Texas.
The Higher Education Payoff for Young African Americans
In 2010, young Blacks with a master's degree had average earnings of $49,100. This is 90.6 percent of the average earnings of young Whites with a master's degree.
Boston University Study Links Low Level of Education With Obesity Among Black Women
The results showed that women whose parents had not completed high school were more likely to become obese than women who had at least one parent who completed college.
One Third of All Teams Banned by the NCAA From Postseason Play Are at HBCUs
The football teams at Hampton, Texas Southern, and North Carolina A&T as well as the basketball teams at the University of Arkansas Pine Bluff and Mississippi Valley State did not past muster on the NCAA's Academic Progress Rate.
Widening Racial Wealth Gap Threatens the Ability of African Americans to Pay for College
According to the Federal Reserve, between 2007 and 2010, nonwhite and Hispanic families saw their median net worth dropped from $29,700 to $20,400. This is a decline of 31.3 percent.