University of North Alabama Student Tweets Racial Slur Directed Against President Obama

PrintA white player on the football team of the University of North Alabama in Florence was kicked off the team after he wrote a racial slur on Twitter. The player was watching the San Francisco 49ers at the New England Patriots game on Sunday evening. Shortly after the game began, the NBC Television network pre-empted the game to show President Obama’s speech at the memorial for the victims of the school shootings in Newtown, Connecticut.

The player tweeted, “Take that nigger off the tv. We wanna watch football.”

William G. Cale, president of the University of North Alabama, issued a statement which read in part, “The University of North Alabama prides itself on a campus climate of respect in which the dignity of every person is a treasured value. At a time of national mourning when the President of the United States was speaking to families in Connecticut stricken by unfathomable grief, that one of our students should utter such racial venom is completely unacceptable.”

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  1. Having lived in Alabama for 21 years, I am not surprised. The North Alabama University student was simply expressing a typical mentality in that part of the USA. The rest express that sentiment behind closed doors.

  2. It’s not just Alabama, I live in the San Francisco’s Bay area, You get the same thing here.Here they smile in your face and stab you in the back, if you give that much trust.

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