The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is conducting an oral history project about the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The editors of the PBS NewsHour want participants to answer questions such as:
• Do you remember when the Voting Rights Act became law?
• How did the Voting Rights Act affect your life and your community during the Civil Rights Movement?
• How did you see if affect others?
• Is the Voting Rights Act still necessary?
You can call the PBS NewsHour Oral History Hotline at (703) 594-6PBS and record your story. Or you can log on to this website to learn more about the project and access a direct contact link through Google to the hotline.
Here is a video explaining the project that includes actual callers voices to the hotline.
I was 21 years old and now able to vote in very segregated Virginia I was proud and very hopeful of equality being an easy transition, but that was not the case. As a college educated male I faced many road blocks; the right to buy a car, the right to live where I wanted and the right to do everything new as a young man. I ran into discrimination everywhere but the voting booth, and I committed to vote in every election. I have met that promise right up to today.