Monthly Archives: December 2013

Virginia State University Looks to Address Campus Safety

After a campus stabbing and the shooting death of a student at an apartment near campus, the Virginia State University board of visitors has hired an outside consultant to advise them on student safety issues.

Marilou Allen and Olusegun Ojewuyi Win Awards

Marilou Allen is director of the Women’s Center at Haverford College in Pennsylvania and Olusegun Ojewuyi is an associate professor in the department of theater at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale.

North Carolina Central University Looks to Boost the Number of Nursing Graduates

North Carolina Central University has entered into a partnership agreement with Central Carolina Community College that aims to increase the number of students in bachelor's degree nursing programs.

Two African American Women in New Administrative Leadership Posts

Dianthia Ford-Kee was named director of athletics at Mississippi Valley State University and Elizabeth Mosely-Hawkins was promoted to director of public relations at South Carolina State University.

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