Thelma B. Thompson served as president of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore from 2002 to 2011. When she announced her retirement, she said she planned to finish a novel. She has done so and recently returned to the UMES to read from Bay Leaves and Cinnamon Sticks. The book tells the story of a Jamaican immigrant who settles in New York City.
Dr. Thompson is a native of Jamaica who came to the United States to earn bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees, all from Howard University. In the 1970’s, Dr. Thompson taught English and literature at Howard University, the City University of New York, and Bowie State University. She then spent 11 years on the faculty at the University of the District of Columbia. From 1998 to 2002 she was dean of the School of Arts and Letters and then vice president for academic affairs at Norfolk State University in Virginia.
Dr. Thompson is the former national president of the College Language Association and a co-founder of the Caribbean Studies Association. In addition to finishing her novel, Dr. Thompson has been teaching composition at Bowie State University in Maryland.
Congratulations, Dr. Thompson. It’s always good to see a scholar active and productiove.