Ronald V. Dellums, who served for 13 terms in the U.S House of Representatives and as mayor of the city of Oakland, California, was named as the 2014-15 William H. Cosby Jr. and Camille O. Hanks Cosby Scholar at Howard University in Washington, D.C.
Dellums is housed in the E. Franklin Frazier Center in the School of Social Work at the university. He will present lectures to both students and faculty and conduct a forum entitled “The Politics of Ferguson.”
Sandra Edmonds Crewe, interim dean of the School of Social Work, stated that “Congressman Dellums will help to stimulate a needed dialogue and direction related to public policy, poverty and social work. According to Dellums, ‘It’s criminal that we turn a blind eye to poverty. The solutions are multidimensional. You have to deal with health care, housing, jobs, education, crime and social justice.’”
Dellums is a graduate of San Francisco State University and earned a master of social work degree at the University of California, Berkeley.
I heard Mr. Dellum speak today on Democracy Now. It was a recorded speech. I want to learn how to speak like him. Suggestions, please. Thank you.