Cornell University in Ithaca, New York has formed a partnership with Eben-Ezer University of Minembwe in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to offer two courses beginning this fall that will be available on both campuses through video links. The classes will be on building peace in conflicted regions and disease control in sub-Saharan Africa.
The classes will be taught jointly by Christine Leuenberger, senior lecturer in science and technology studies at Cornell and Lazare Rukundwa Sebitereko, a professor at Eben-Ezer University.
Dr. Leuenberger notes that “science diplomacy uses science and education to break down cultural and national barriers and is also a tool for peace-building. This approach also underlies these initiatives. To bring Eben-Ezer and Cornell students together in the same classroom could help build capacity on both sides of the Atlantic and enable students to better understand each other and analyze global issues. As Nelson Mandela once pointed out, education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”