A new program at the University of Oregon aims to increase opportunities for students from underrepresented groups to conduct scientific research. The Students of Color Opportunities for Research Enrichment (SCORE) program seeks to bring students into the scientific community.
The program was started by two graduate students in STEM fields who found that they lacked sufficient mentors at the university. With the help of Patrick Phillips, a faculty member in the Institute of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Oregon, the students established SCORE to create mentor relationships for undergraduate students from underrepresented groups.
Dr. Phillips states that “once you bring a freshman or sophomore into the laboratory family, they see that they belong. Most importantly, it builds more meaning into the experiences you’re having and then you start seeing yourself as a scientist. You start envisioning a future in which you belong in that space.”
Does the U of O have any programs or do they know of any programs to help blacks or latinas obtain Clinical Psychology Postdoctoral fellowships?