Two Esteemed African American Scholars Announce Their Retirements

Kenneth Perry, an associate professor and the chair of the computer science department at Morehouse College in Atlanta, is retiring. Before joining the faculty at Morehouse College 11 years ago, he served on the faculty at Clark Atlanta University for more than a decade. He also taught at Florida A&M University.

Dr. Perry is a graduate of Howard University in Washington, D.C. He holds a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Stanford University in California.

Paula J. Giddings, the Elizabeth A. Woodson 1922 Professor of Africana Studies at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, has retired. Professor Giddings joined the faculty at Smith College in 2001. She is the author of several books including Ida, A Sword Among Lions: Ida B. Wells and the Campaign Against Lynching (Amistad/Harper Collins, 2008).

Professor Giddings, who attended Howard University, taught at Spelman College in Atlanta and Rutgers University in New Jersey before joining the Smith College faculty.


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  1. Dear Paula,
    Congratulations on your well deserved retirement. Your outstanding work and publications reveal an extraordinary legacy. We remain in appreciation for your insightful keynote on the occasion of The Cottagers, Inc. 50th Anniversary celebration on Martha’s Vineyard in 2006. Much love, Bettye Baker

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