University of Arkansas Pine Bluff Offers New Degree Program at Satellite Campus

The University of Arkansas Pine Bluff has revived its bachelor’s degree program in regulatory sciences. The degree program will be offered at the university’s satellite campus in North Little Rock. The first students will begin classes in the Spring 2018 semester.

Students enrolled in the regulatory sciences program can specialize in agriculture, environmental biology, or industrial health and safety. Graduates will be prepared for entry-level positions in government agencies such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Environmental Protection Agency.

Dr. Muthusamy Manoharan, interim dean/director of 1890 research and extension programs for the School of Agriculture, Fisheries and Human Sciences at the university, stated that “graduates of the program have expertise in a technical field as well as broad-based knowledge of the legislative and judicial powers delegated to federal and state agencies. They are equipped to balance regulatory issues of health and safety with the constitutional rights of citizens, economic development interests, national security and international development.”

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