Recent Books of Interest to African American Scholars

The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education regularly publishes a list of new books that may be of interest to our readers. The books included are on a wide variety of subjects and present many different points of view. The opinions expressed in these books do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board of JBHE. Here are the latest selections.

Click on any of the titles for more information or to purchase through

Between Two Worlds:
Jean Price-Mars, Haiti, and Africa

edited by Celucien L. Joseph et al.
(Lexington Books)

Frederick Douglass:
America’s Prophet

by D. H. Dilbeck
(University of North Carolina Press)

Racial Taxation:
Schools, Segregation, and Taxpayer Citizenship, 1869–1973

by Camille Walsh
(University of North Carolina Press)

Richard Potter:
America’s First Black Celebrity

by John A. Hodgson
(University of Virginia Press)

The Sit-Ins:
Protest and Legal Change in the Civil Rights Era

by Christopher W. Schmidt
(University of Chicago Press)

Tupac Equals:
The Outlawz of Mic And Men

by T. Ursula Green
(Friesen Press)

Uncommon Bonds:
Women Reflect on Race and Friendship

edited by Kersha Smith and Marcella Runell Hall
(Peter Lang International)

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