University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff to Offer New Master’s Degree Program in Educational Leadership

The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff has announced it will begin offering a master’s degree in educational leadership this fall. It is designed for teachers who seek a career in educational administration.

The new program consists of 36 credit hours that will provide students with the necessary credentials to become a school administrator or district-level leader. The program will specialize in curriculum geared toward providing students with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to prepare them for building-level certification.

“In a world that is constantly and quickly changing, effective school leaders are needed now more than ever,” said Robert Z. Carr, Jr., provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs at the university. “This program follows UAPB’s tradition of providing students with the rigorous and relevant programs needed to develop skills that keep them competitive in the field of education.”

Dr. Wanda Newell, interim dean of the School of Education added, “We are looking forward to working with our P-12 partners to identify talented teachers who want to make a difference in preparing students to achieve their potential by becoming school administrators.”

Prospective students may enter the master’s degree program upon completion of teacher certification requirements and three years of teaching or relevant experience.

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