Bowie State University Substantially Boosts Its Online Degree Offerings

Bowie State University, the historically Black educational institution in Maryland, has announced that a large number of undergraduate and graduate degree programs will now be offered fully online.

Bowie State students can pursue undergraduate degrees online in computer science, computer technology, and criminal justice. Students can earn master’s degrees online in computer science, culturally responsive teacher leadership, management information systems, and reading education. In addition, a doctoral degree program in educational leadership may also be completed online.

“Our fully online undergraduate degree programs are designed primarily to attract adults preparing to make career changes that will posture them for current and emerging jobs in the burgeoning computer science and technology fields,” said Carl Goodman, provost and vice president of academic affairs at Bowie State. “Individuals who in the past were limited in their ability to earn a degree can now take courses at BSU from anywhere.”

Dr. Goomdan added that “it’s all about access and adapting to a changing higher education environment. And this is just the beginning. We’ll be adding additional online degree programs for undergraduate and graduate students in the coming months and years to provide individuals who want to earn a degree from Bowie State the pathway to achieve their goal.”

Dr. Goodman came to Bowie State in 2020 from Florida A&M University, where he served as associate provost for academic affairs and student services. Dr. Goodman is a graduate of Jacksonville University, where he majored in biology and psychology. He earned a doctoral degree in pharmacology/toxicology from Florida A&M University.

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