Monthly Archives: February 2023

Colleges and Universities Appoint Four African Americans to Administrative Positions

The four African Americans in new administrative roles are LaMar Bunts at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, W. Rebecca Brown at Florida A&M University, Derrick Robertson at Talladega College in Alabama, and Jackie K. Brockington Jr. at Delaware State University.

Dillard University to Relaunch the National Center for Black-Jewish Relations

Under the leadership of Dr. Samuel Dubous Cook, the fourth president of Dillard University, the National Center for Black-Jewish Relations operated between 1898 and 1997 and hosted national conferences and produced the book, Black-Jewish Relations: Dillard University Conference Papers.

Desireé C. Boykin of the UNCF Honored by the Higher Education Leadership Foundation

Boykin is senior vice president and general counsel at the United Negro College Fund. The Higher Education Leadership Foundation recognizes individuals for their enduring and undeniable leadership and influence on the continued excellence of historically Black colleges and universities.

Fort Valley State University Approved to Begin Its Bachelor’s Degree Program in Nursing

Historically Black Fort Valley State University in Georgia received approval from the state's Board of Nursing to begin a bachelor's degree in nursing program. The four-year pre-licensure degree program is now accepting applications, and its first class of nursing students will start in August 2023.

New Appointments of African Americans to Diversity Posts in Higher Education

Garrett Green was appointed chief diversity officer at Augusta University in Georgia. Nicole Joseph has been named associate dean for equity, diversity, and inclusion for Peabody College at Vanderbilt University and Chemen Neal is the chief diversity officer for the Indiana University School of Medicine.

Recent Books of Interest to African American Scholars

The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education regularly publishes a list of new books that may be of interest to our readers. The books included are on a wide variety of subjects and present many different points of view.

College of William and Mary to Digitize Records of Early African American Churches

The Special Collections Research Center of the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, has partnered with several Black churches in Williamsburg to add their church records to the library’s special collections. One is the First Baptist Church, one of the country’s earliest African-American congregations that was founded by free and enslaved African Americans in 1776.

Higher Education Grants or Gifts of Interest to African Americans

Here is this week’s news of grants or gifts to historically Black colleges and universities or for programs of particular interest to African Americans in higher education.

Online Articles That May Be of Interest to JBHE Readers

Each week, JBHE will provide links to online articles that may be of interest to our readers. Here are this week’s selections.

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