Study Finds Black Women Shoulder the Brunt of Low Pay Occupations and Temporary Work

According to a new study from the Urban Institute, Black women are more likely to earn less than other groups, despite their qualifications and educational attainment. Furthermore, the research revealed that Black women shoulder the brunt of vulnerable work (occupations with low pay, benefits, and hours) and temporary work.

The interactive report examines the median income of Black women in hundreds of different occupations. As a whole, the median income of Black women in the United States is $35,749, compared to the $50,000 median income for White men. This discrepancy grows when examining other identity groups, such as disabled Black women who earn, on average, roughly $20,000 less than White men.

In fields where Black women are “crowded in” compared to White men, their median income drops to $31,785. However, in occupations were Black women are “crowded out,” the median income raises to $40,499. This suggests that occupational crowding, the concentration of Black women in lower-wage roles, can lead to larger gaps in the earning potential of Black women.

The study also revealed that Black women are significantly more likely than White men to work part-time or temporary jobs. These positions are more likely to pay at or below the federal minimum wage and less likely to offer benefits. According to the report, nearly one in five Black women are crowded into occupations with a high concentration of temporary workers. Additionally, Black women are roughly six times as likely than men to be crowded into part-time occupations.

The authors offer several suggestions on how to ensure Black women have access to stable, high-quality occupations. These include mitigating employment discrimination through assessing discrimination in hiring practices, protecting and expanding collective bargaining rights for workers in traditional and alternative occupations, and improving social safety nets for alternative workers.

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