According to a report in the student newspaper at the University of Alabama, members of the Alpha Phi sorority participated in a racist group text message. One member of the sorority was expelled from the sorority and the president of the chapter lost her position.
According to published reports, the president of Alpha Phi sorority wrote to group chat members, “I’m gonna yack, it smells so bad in here,” referring to the atmosphere in a local bar. Another member agreed, before another member wrote, “cigs, weed, and black girl.”
The sorority issued a statement that read: “The person who sent the text message is no longer a member of our organization, and the other people in the group messages will be held accountable based on the conclusion of our judiciary board process. We deeply apologize for the racist behavior displayed by the former member and the harm and trauma this text message has caused to members of the Alabama community and the general public.”
What else do you expect from an Historically White College and University (HWCU) called the University of Alabama which has long storied history of academic and institutional racism embedded at its core foundation. Why would any so-called native born Black American be even remotely surprised in hearing such commentary from a cabal of happily ignorant and thoroughly miseducated White female undergraduate students. The racist University of Alabama has an abysmal 10.5 percent of native born Black American students even though the state of Alabama has a “Black” population hoovering near 27 percent.
Yet, these Black American students are upset over what could be perceived as racist commentary. I would highly suggest these same “Black American” students take that same energy, outrage, and demand that the University of Alabama significantly increase in the number of Black students, Black faculty, and Black professional staff immediately.
These same coddled White female sorority members will be shouting to the top of their “little white lungs” for the “Black football players running down the field all the while they will silently try to have a one time sexual escapade with them. Do you think they’re worried about the “smell” them?
You’re absolutely correct Stephanie. In fact, the entire country has literally remained the same regardless of where you look from housing, public education, law, and public safety, etc.