The University of Maryland Eastern Shore, a historically Black educational institution in Princess Anne, is partnering with Frostburg State University in Maryland and Vanung University in Taiwan in a bachelor’s degree program in business administration with a concentration in hospitality management.
Under the program, students will take introductory courses online under the auspices of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. These courses include marketing for hospitality and leisure services, business law, and several hospitality management electives. Once completing the introductory courses, students will take courses in management, small business administration, entrepreneurship and human relations management at Frostburg State University. During the fall semester, students will travel to Taiwan to take courses in restaurant management and beverage control at Vanung University. At Vanung University, there is a teaching hotel, a teaching travel agency, demonstration kitchens, and meal service and bartending classrooms.
Patrick R. Liverpool, provost and vice president for academic affairs at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore stated the university “is pleased to partner with Frostburg State University to offer the Cooperative Program in Hospitality and Tourism Management. Highly recognized as a unique and signature program for the state of Maryland and UMES, the nationally accredited Hospitality and Tourism Management program has a rich history of training professionals for careers in the hospitality and tourism industries.”
Dr. Liverpool earned a bachelor’s degree and an MBA at the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico. He holds a doctorate in business administration from Kent State University in Ohio.