Louisiana State University Elevates Black Studies to Departmental Status

A decades-long movement at the university to create an independent Black studies department regained steam over the summer amid the resurgence of civil rights protests across the country.

University of North Florida to Offer a Major in Africana Studies

The new Africana studies program will be a interdisciplinary major in the College of Arts and Sciences. Students will be able to choose from concentrations including history, arts and culture, gender and sexuality, health, education as well as race and the environment.

Utica College in New York to Debut an Africana Studies Program

The program has been developed to provide many perspectives and address four pillars of education, including Africa and sub-Saharan Africa; African diaspora in the United States; North Africa and Islamic histories in Africa; and Afro-Latinx experiences.

The New Director of African and African American Studies at the University of Arkansas

Caree A. Banton is an associate professor of African diaspora history, who is jointly appointed in the department of history and the African American studies program. She teaches classes in Afro-Caribbean history, African diaspora history, and race. She joined the faculty at the university in 2013.

California State University, Fullerton Establishes the Institute for Black Intellectual Innovation

A primary goal during the first five years is to support the recruitment and retention of high-quality and diverse faculty and staff. The institute aims to develop a regional journal that centers on issues related to history, arts, culture, and contemporary affairs of Black people in California.

New Black Women’s Leadership Program Launched at Alverno College In Milwaukee

The Thea Bowman Institute for Excellence and Leadership, a program designed to serve Black women through academic leadership programming. The institute is named for a Franciscan, Catholic sister, teacher, and scholar educated in Wisconsin who made significant contributions to the church's ministry to Blacks.

University of Missouri-Kansas City Revamps Its Black Studies Offerings

The University of Missouri-Kansas City announced it is combining its Black studies, Latin American studies, and women's studies programs into a new academic department: The new Race, Ethnic, and Gender/Sexuality department.

University of Maryland Names Women’s Studies Department After Harriet Tubman

This is the first time that an academic department at the University of Maryland will be named after someone honorifically. The women’s studies department is the only one in the country that offers a Black women’s studies minor.

University of Oregon Now Offering a Minor Degree Program in Black Studies

Students minoring in Black studies will take 24 credits. The only required course in the minor is an introductory course with a focus on either African American studies or the African Diaspora.

Virginia State University Offering a New Course on HBCU History

Virginia State University is now offering what could be the nation’s first higher education course in the history of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities. This is the first semester that the course is being offered. It quickly filled to capacity.

Harvard University Gallery Creating a Living Archive of the Black Lives Matter Movement

The Cooper Gallery of African & African American Art is collecting protest posters, circulated artist zines, informational pamphlets, and any other printed media/functional artwork relating to the movement.

University of Kentucky Creates the Commonwealth Institute for Black Studies

The interdisciplinary institute will promote the university's research and scholarship on topics of importance in African history and African American history, such as slavery and the quest for freedom, racial discrimination and violence, and the long struggle for civil rights.

Two Public Universities in Florida Announce Efforts to Address Systemic Racism

The University of South Florida has created the Research Task Force on Understanding and Addressing Blackness and Anti-Black Racism in our Local, National and International Communities. The University of Florida has established the Racial Justice Research Fund.

California State University, Dominguez Hills Acquires Massive Archive of Black History

The collection from the Mayme A. Clayton Library and Museum contains more than 2 million rare books, films, documents, photographs artifacts, and works of art related to the history and culture of African-Americans in the United States, with a significant focus on Southern California and the American West.

Wright State University Libraries Debuts Online Anti-Racism Resource Guide

The staff at the Wright State University Libraries has created an online Anti-racism Guide providing campus resources, book recommendations, education videos, and more about racism and racial justice.

University of Alabama Birmingham Scholars Develop Pallative Care Protocols for Blacks

Where middle-class Whites may emphasize individual choice, African American values support family-centered decision making. Faith, spiritual beliefs, and guidance of a spiritual leader are very meaningful to African Americans, especially as they cope with illness and make treatment decisions.

Florida Institute of Technology to Begin New Program in African American Studies

The new minor degree program will have interdisciplinary courses aimed at studying and fostering further understanding of the social, political, economic, and cultural forces that impact the lives of Black people in the U.S. and those in the Caribbean, Africa, and around the world.

University of Iowa to Launch the Midwest Institute of African American History and Culture

The Midwest Institute of African American History and Culture at the University of Iowa will focus on research opportunities, educational possibilities, seminars, and workshops so that visitors and educators can better understand Black history.

Alumna Calls for University of Pittsburgh to Require Students to Take a Black Studies...

Sydney Massenber, an alumna at the University of Pittsburgh who is starting law school this fall, has started a petition calling for the university to require all undergraduate students to take a Black studies course in order to meet graduation requirements.

American University Creates the Department of Critical Race, Gender, and Cultural Studies

The new department at American University in Washington, D.C., will focus on six areas of study: African and African American diaspora studies, American studies, Arab world studies, Asian studies, Latinx studies, and women, gender, and sexuality studies.

University of Lynchburg to Launch an Africana Studies Major This Coming Fall

Students in the program will explore race-related questions and study the lives of Africans and people in the African diaspora. Africana studies combines a core intro class and a capstone project with existing courses from a variety of disciplines, including history, English, sociology, psychology, and music.

Scholar Donates 100 Pieces of African American Art to the Yale University Art Gallery

Robert Steele spent 40 years on the faculty of the psychology department at the University of Maryland, College Park. He then served nearly a decade as the director of the university’s David C. Driskell Center, which supports the study of African-American art.

University of Georgia Has Mounted an Oral History Project of Early Black Students

While some of the recollections are memories of forging new paths, other stories reflect a continued culture change on campus with stories of racism, bias, and protests in classrooms, dorms and around campus.

Preserving the Writings of Anna Julia Cooper

Recently, the Humanities Center at Syracuse University partnered with the Colored Conventions Project to host a local transcribe-a-thon of the writings of Anna Julia Cooper. The community service project's goal was to transcribe the writing of Dr. Cooper and create a digital archive of her work.

Tuskegee University Acquires the Pritchett Collection of African Studies Manuscripts

The Pritchett Collection includes more than 1,400 African studies manuscripts amassed over a 40-year period. The collection focuses on research on the African diaspora and studies of African-descended people in the Caribbean, Brazil and elsewhere in Central and South America.

New Center on Racial Healing to Be Established at the University of Arkansas

The University of Arkansas has announced that it is establishing a Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Campus Center. The center will focus on creating transformative and sustainable change in areas relating to diversity and inclusion.

University of Kansas to Offer a Graduate Degree Program in Diversity and Inclusion Leadership

The program is designed to offer graduate students and working professionals the tools and techniques to better navigate leadership opportunities within the context of social diversity and equity in the United States.

Harvard University Launches a New Intitiative to Examine its Historical Ties to Slavery

Tomiko Brown-Nagin, dean of the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, the Daniel P.S. Paul Professor of Constitutional Law at Harvard Law School, and a professor of history, will chair the new initiative which will be called Harvard and the Legacy of Slavery.

University of Florida Opens a New Home for Its Institute of Black Culture

In 1971, the Institute of Black Culture was established after a series of peaceful protests from Black students advocating for their rights ended with 66 students arrested or suspended for occupying the university's president’s office. Now the Institute has a new home on campus.

Haverford College Unveils a Collection of Works by Philosophers From Underrepresented Groups

A new collection at Haverford College in Pennsylvania aims to showcase philosophers who are not White and not male.

Rice University in Houston Debuts its Center for African and African American Studies

Anthony Pinn, the Agnes Cullen Arnold Professor of Humanities and professor of religion, will serve as the center's founding director.

Buffalo State Hires Three Faculty Members to Staff Its New Africana Studies Major

Buffalo State University is using funds from the State University of New York's Promoting Recruitment, Opportunity, Diversity, Inclusion and Growth (PRODI-G) initiative to hire new faculty members to strengthen the university's Black studies efforts.

California Lutheran University to Add an Ethnic and Race Studies Major

About 45 percent of California Lutheran University’s traditional undergraduate students from the United States identify themselves as Latino, black, American/Alaskan native or multiracial.

Boston College Now Offering a Major in African and African Diaspora Studies

Black studies was established a half century ago at the college, but until now there has not been a major in the subject. The new major explores the history, culture, and politics of Africans on the continent and African-descended peoples in the U.S. and around the world.

University of Glasgow Agrees to Pay £20 Million in Reparations to the University of...

The sum of £20 million was the amount paid to slave owners as reparations by the British government when it abolished slavery in 1834. 

Penn State Hires Nine Scholars in African American or Diaspora Studies

Pennsylvania State University has announced that it has hired nine scholars who will all be affiliated with the university's department of African American studies. Seven of the nine hires are Black scholars.

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