Forged by Faith & Fire: The Enduring Legacy of HBCUs Amidst Modern Challenges
This article serves as a crucial reminder of the systemic challenges that have long hindered the advancement of Black Americans, particularly in the realm of education.
The Vital Importance of Black Greek Letter Organizations for Young Black Men
For young Black men, becoming part of a Black Greek letter organization is not just a step toward personal success; it is a commitment to community, heritage, and lifelong brotherhood.
HBCUs and the Olympics: From London 1948 To Paris 2024
Before the racial integration of southern state universities, Black athletes from HBCUs had tremendous success in track and field events at the Olympic Games.
The Eutychus Phenomenon
Part of the Eutychus phenomenon is viewing those with diverse viewpoints in the room as fortunate, but not vital contributors. The narrative that affirmative action scours the earth looking for inept candidates to give them what mediocre White people rightfully deserve is oft repeated and sadly, embraced by many.
All in the Family
Nelson Mandela once stated, “Education is the most powerful weapon we have to change the world.” One family that has taken that sentiment to heart is the Millet family.
Five African American Academics Have Been Elected Members of the American Philosophical Society
The five African Americans elected members of the American Philosophical Society are Gerald Lyn Early of Washington University in St. Louis, Danny O. Jacobs of the Oregon Health and Science University, G. Gabrielle Starr president of Pomona College in California, Bryan Stevenson at New York University School of Law, and Deborah Willis of New York University.
I’m Done! The Impact of the Transfer Portal on Black Male Student Athletes
The transfer portal offers some great opportunities for many Black student athletes. But it also raises some concerns.
Protests of a Different Color: HBCUs and the Student Protest Movements Against the War...
Student protests concerning the Israel-Hamas war have been commonplace on the campuses of elite predominantly White colleges and universities. While not receiving a lot of publicity, HBCU students have not sat on the sidelines of the protest movement.
Remembering the Impact of Black Women on College Basketball
As former college basketball players, we are grateful that more eyes are watching, respecting and enjoying women’s college basketball. However, we are equally troubled by the manner in which the history of women’s basketball has been inaccurately represented during the Caitlin Clark craze.
DEI Can Die (or Not), but Let’s Have Something Consistently Dedicated to Black People
Kenneth Hawkins asserts that diversity, equity and inclusion efforts haven't contributed enough to support Black students over the years.
How Elite Colleges and Universities Responded to the Ban on Race-Sensitive Admissions
After the Supreme Court ruling, colleges and universities that value racial diversity in their enrollments had to scramble to devise ways to bring more Blacks to campus. JBHE asked enrollment management officials at high-ranking colleges and universities to share their efforts.
Some HBCUs May Also Have to Face the Issue of Legacy Admissions
Howard, Morehouse, Spelman, and North Carolina A&T and a number of other HBCUs - employ legacy admissions, and defend them as not being the same as those at the elite and selective predominately White institutions.
Spelman College – Empowering Women Toward More Civic Engagement
Community engagement enables Spelman College students the opportunity to understand and appreciate the responsibilities they have to society more fully.
Six African Americans Among the 32 Rhodes Scholars From the United States
Recently, the Rhodes Trust announced the 32 American winners of Rhodes Scholarships for graduate study at Oxford University in England. Typically the Rhodes Trust does not reveal the race or ethnicity of scholarship winners. Of this year’s 32 Rhodes Scholars from the United States, it appears that six are African Americans.
Sophia Bethena Jones: Canada’s First Black Woman to Earn a Medical Degree
Sophia B. Jones was accepted as an undergraduate at the University of Toronto in 1879. However, she was not admitted to the medical school, doubly damned by being both a woman and Black. She went on to earn a medical degree at the University of Michigan.
Managing Cultural Audacity in the HBCU Environment
Tuskegee University provost Keith Hargrove argues that ultimately, accountability and responsibility are things that everyone in the HBCU community must share.
How the Demise of Affirmative Action Will Impact HBCUs
Al-Tony Gilmore examines the effects of the U.S. Supreme Court's overturning of the use of race-conscious admission policies at colleges and universities and how HBCUs are uniquely positioned to serve those disadvantaged.
The Arduous Quest of African American Women CEOs in the Academy: The GOATS
Dr. Algeania W. Freeman traces the ascendancy of African American women to the highest posts in academia, from early pioneers to the new president of Harvard University.
Striking a Balance: Preserving the Essence and Embracing Diversity at HBCUs
As their demographics evolve, it is crucial for HBCUs to strike a balance between increasing diversity and preserving their unique culture and purpose. Analysis by Mashref Hoque
The Widening Divide: HBCUs and the 2023 NFL Draft
Dr. Al-Tony Gilmore explores the scarcity of NFL draft prospects emerging from HBCU football programs, asserting that HBCUs possess the ability and should thrive independently of the league's validation.
We Must Protect This House: Guarding Black Women College Athletes
Authors Jewel Clark and Rachel Wilson Patterson examine the double standard applied to Black and White athletes and the need to affirm, uplift and celebrate Black women athletes.
Black First-Year Students at the Nation’s Leading Liberal Arts Colleges
For the first time in the 30-year history of the JBHE surveys, a college has enrolled a first-year class that is more than one-fifth Black. There are 96 Black students in this year's entering class at Amherst College. They make up 20.6 percent of the total.
Black First-Year Students at the Nation’s Leading Research Universities
The progress of the Ivy League schools over the past decade in admitting Black students has been impressive. In 2006, Columbia University had the highest percentage of Black first-year students at 9.6 percent. This year, all eight Ivy League schools have entering classes that are 12 percent Black or higher.
Traveling While Black: The HBCU Sports and Student Experience – In the Rear View...
Dr. Al-Tony Gilmore discusses recent controversial police stops of buses carrying HBCU students.
African Americans and Rhodes Scholarships
Typically the Rhodes Trust does not reveal the race or ethnicity of scholarship winners. Of this year's 32 Rhodes Scholars from the United States, it appears that four are African Americans.
Effective Coping Methods for Black Educators and Students Exposed to Trauma
A physician and a medical student reflect on the current climate of our nation during the continued murders of unarmed African Americans and methods educators and medical students can use to cope with these traumatic experiences to remain effective in their professional responsibilities and development.
Emerging Paradigms for HBCU Leadership: Reflections of a New Provost
S. Keith Hargrove reflects on his new role as provost at Tuskegee University, how the past two years have reshaped the landscape for HBCUs and the transition educational leaders must undertake to meet the moment.
Thomas Jinnings: The First Black Student at Harvard?
Who was the first African American student at Harvard? This question is not as easy to answer as one might think – and, with the recent discovery of a name buried in an 1841 Harvard catalogue, a new possible answer has come to light.
Why I Am “Critical” of Critical Theory
Bakari K. Lumumba, a doctoral candidate at Ohio University's Patton College of Education's Higher Education Student Affairs program, examines Critical Theory and its unwillingness to center the work of scholars and theorists outside the Western / European sphere of influence.
How an HBCU Hosted the Inaugural International Moon Day Celebration
Elijah Baker, a public relations coordinator at historically Black Drake State Community and Technical College in Huntsville, Alabama, shows how HBCUs have played a role and will continue to play a role in the U.S. Space Program.
Four African Americans Honored With Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards
The Cleveland Foundation's annual Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards are the only national juried prize for literature that confronts racism and explores diversity. Four of the winners this year are African Americans who have academic ties.
Travis Hunter and The Move Toward Black Power
Bakari Lumumba examines a top football prospect's "flip" from a major NCAA football program to an HBCU, its historical antecedents and how it may be a catalyst for future empowerment.
Black First-Year Students at the Nation’s Leading Research Universities
Recent admissions cycles have been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. But most of the nation's leading research universities continue to make significant progress in increasing Black enrollments.
Black First-Year Students at the Nation’s Leading Liberal Arts Colleges
There are 100 Black students in the Class of 2025 at Amherst College. They make up 19.5 percent of the class. This is the largest percentage of Black students in an entering class in the history of our surveys.
HBCUs: At the Financial and Competitive Crossroads of College Sports
Dr. Al-Tony Gilmore examines the state of athletics at the nation's historically Black colleges and universities.
Eight African American College Students Selected as Rhodes Scholars
This year, eight African Americans were chosen as Rhodes Scholars. In both 2017 and 2020, there were 10 African American Rhodes Scholars, the most in any one year.