Morgan State University Wins Honda Campus All-Star Challenge
First-time winner Morgan State University received a grant of $50,000 from Honda for winning the event.
New Museum at Edward Waters College
Edward Waters College, the historically Black educational institution in Jacksonville, Florida, has announced the opening of a new African American artifacts museum at the newly renovated Susie E. Tolbert House on campus.
Xavier University of Louisiana Honored by Catholic Charities USA
The university was presented with the Centennial Medal from Catholic Charities USA for its commitment to racial equality in higher education.
Virginia State Offers Free College Courses to High School Students
Students will earn both high school credits for taking the courses and if they later enroll at Virginia State, the credits will count toward their college degree.
Players From HBCUs Ignored in the NFL Draft
In 1994 there were 17 players from HBCUs drafted by National Football League teams. This year there was one.
Three HBCUs Awarded Materials Research Grant Programs From the National Science Foundation
Howard University, Jackson State University, and Norfolk State University will receive five-year grants to conduct materials research and education programs.
Six HBCUs Awarded Grants From the Howard Hughes Medical Institute
The grants ranging from $800,000 to $1.4 million will assist these schools in their efforts to create more engaging science classes.
Tuskegee University Breaks Ground on New Science Building
The building is named after the late James Henry Meriwether Henderson, a Tuskegee professor and administrator who spent more than 50 years at the university.
Cheyney University Receives a Historic Diploma From Its Past
The university received a diploma issued to a woman in 1879 by the Institute for Colored Youth.
Several HBCUs “Link” With Local Community Colleges
The Links Inc. has undertaken the HBCU Community College Collaborative project, an effort to increase college completion rates for African American students.
HBCU Choir Sets Schedule and Names Conductors
The 105 Voices of History National Choir is made up of one student from each of 105 historically Black colleges and universities.
Alabama State University to Offer New Accelerated Bachelor’s Degree Program in Psychology
Students at Bishop State Community College in Mobile, Wallace State Community College in Selma, and Jefferson Davis State Community College in Brewton will be eligible to enroll.
Master’s of Public Health Program at Charles Drew Receives Accreditation
The program, which has produced 61 graduates over the past four years, has received accreditation for five years from the Council on Education for Public Health.
Scholarship Program Will Bring 40 African Men to Morehouse College
Strive Masiyiwa, founder and chair of Econet Wireless, has established the Ambassador Andrew Young International Scholars program.
Fayetteville State’s New Dual Degree Program in Engineering
Under the program students will study for three years at Fayetteville State and spend another two years at North Carolina State University. At the end of the five years, they will receive bachelor's degrees from each institution.
Florida A&M University Opens the Rural Diversity Healtcare Center in Crestview
The new center is focused on producing graduates who will be committed to serving the healthcare needs of people in rural areas of the Florida Panhandle.
Battle to Save the Oldest Building on the Campus of Norfolk State University
About 30 percent of all classes at Norfolk State University are taught in G.W.C Brown Hall, which was named after one of the university's founders.
Fayetteville State Partners With the U.S. Coast Guard
Students at Fayetteville State will be able to participate in research projects with Coast Guard personnel.
Pork Taken Off the Menu at Paul Quinn College
The college's president believes that a college education should include information on a healthy lifestyle.
HBCU Agrees to Accept Transfer Nursing Students From Hubei University in China
Students will complete two years of study at Hubei University in Wuhan City, China. They will then transfer to Winston-Salem State University in North Carolina to complete their bachelor's degree program in nursing.
Cheyney University Begins Work on New Science Center
The 43,000-square-foot facility will house classrooms and research programs in biotechnology, health, mathematic applications, and computer-based system development.
Five HBCUs Participating in the Global Entrepreneurship Initiative
Alabama State University, Prairie View A&M University, St. Augustine College, Paine College and North Carolina Central University are involved in the UNCF project.
Virginia State University Gives Students a Head Start for College
The university will offer college-level courses at no cost to juniors and seniors in high schools in two additional school districts. Students will earn both high school and college credits.
New Study Abroad Program for Students at 11 HBCUs
Blacks make up about 12 percent of all undergraduate student enrollments in American higher education, but they are less than 5 percent of the students who participate in study abroad programs.
A Drop in Enrollments Puts Fort Valley State University in a Financial Bind
President Larry Rivers has announced that the university needs to make $3.8 million in budget cuts to make up for a 400-student enrollment drop and a 5 percent cut in state appropriations.
Alabama A&M to Partner With the U.S. Army in Unmanned Aircraft Systems
The Army will gain the expertise of engineering faculty at the university and Alabama A&M will benefit by exposing its students to advanced research in a field with extensive employment opportunities.
With Hurricane Approaching, Cheyney University Shuts Down
Cheyney University in Pennsylvania called off classes for Monday October 29 and urged any students who were on campus to leave and return to their homes if possible.
Several HBCU Campuses Are Getting a Makeover
Significant new construction is underway at Delaware State University, Cheyney University, Meharry Medical College and Johnson C. Smith University.
Fort Valley State University to Establish a Nuclear Engineering Program
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is funding new programs at colleges and universities because the nuclear industry is facing a manpower crisis with a need to replace 25,000 skilled workers over the next three years.
Howard University Opens Online Store for Reproductions of Its Artwork
The reproductions include works of art by Henry O. Tanner, Aaron Douglas, Jacob Lawrence, L.P. Spinner, and others. Historic photographs relating to Howard University are also available.
Xavier University Fast Tracks Students Into Its Professional Pharmacy Program
Xavier University in New Orleans has a stellar record in producing Black graduates in STEM fields. Many of these graduates go on to medical school and to careers in the health professions.
Xavier University Takes Steps to Eliminate a $5 Million Deficit
A drop in enrollments of 6.5 percent for the fall semester has forced the university to institute a salary and hiring freeze and some layoffs of non-faculty employees .
Delaware State University Acquires a New Flight Simulator for Its Aviation Program
Delaware State University, the historically Black educational institution in Dover, has acquired a new flight simulator so that students in its aviation program can practice flying in the classroom in addition to using one of the 10 aircraft currently in the university's fleet.
New Offerings at the Radio Station of Fayetteville State University
Through the radio station's Play It Again outreach initiative the station collects used musical instruments from listeners and others in the community, refurbishes them, and donates the instruments to local school band programs.
Alabama HBCUs Team Up in Healthcare Alliance
The alliance is being organized by Louis Sullivan, former secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and president emeritus of the Morehouse School of Medicine.
A Second Doctoral Program Is Authorized at Winston-Salem State University
The historically Black university in North Carolina has been approved to establish a doctor of nursing practice degree program. The new doctoral program could enroll its first students as early as this coming fall.