Tuskegee University Establishes a Foundation to Foster Research

The new foundation is headed by Matthew Jenkins, CEO of SDD Enterprises, who holds a doctor of veterinary medicine degree from Tuskegee and is a former member of the board of trustees.

A Drop in Enrollments Puts Fort Valley State University in a Financial Bind

President Larry Rivers has announced that the university needs to make $3.8 million in budget cuts to make up for a 400-student enrollment drop and a 5 percent cut in state appropriations.

Hampton University Offers New Degree Program in Liberal Arts With Several Concentrations

The concentrations include international studies, law and justice, music management, urban studies, recreation and tourism, community and social services, and emergency and disaster management.

Jackson State University Opens a New Preschool Teaching Laboratory Facility

The new center will serve as a preschool childhood teaching laboratory for educators, college students, and child care providers.

Tennessee State’s 97-Year-Old Cheerleader

Burnece Walker Burnson, who was a cheerleader in 1934-35, returned to the sidelines at a recent homecoming football game.

Tuskegee University President Shows the Value of the Nation’s HBCUs

Dr. Gilbert Rochon defends historically Black colleges and universities against critics who say they should no longer exist.

Howard University Offers Three New Degree Programs in Communications

There will be a new bachelor's degree program in media, journalism, and film and another new degree program in strategic, legal, and management communications. A new doctoral program is also planned.

Alabama A&M to Partner With the U.S. Army in Unmanned Aircraft Systems

The Army will gain the expertise of engineering faculty at the university and Alabama A&M will benefit by exposing its students to advanced research in a field with extensive employment opportunities.

Harris-Stowe State University Announces Dual Degree Program With Saint Louis University

Students will study mathematics for two years and then will spend two or three years in engineering programs at Saint Louis University. Students who complete the program will receive degrees from both institutions.

Regions Financial Enters Partnership Deal With Six HBCUs

The Regions HBCU Partnership includes Alabama A&M University, Alabama State University, Florida A&M University, Jackson State University, Spelman College, and Tennessee State University.

Lincoln University Rekindles Historic Relationship With a 169-Year-Old Church

Hosanna Church, near the campus of Lincoln University of Pennsylvania, was built in 1843. Many of the university's first students were members of the Hosanna congregation.

Fort Valley State University’s Dual Enrollment Program

Local high school students can take college courses on campus or online and receive credits that can be applied to both their high school diploma and their college degree.

Tennessee State University Opens a New Multicultural Center

The 4,738-square-foot Multicultural Center is located in Goodwill Manor, which formerly was the home of the university's president.

Southern University in Baton Rouge Dropping Two Degree Programs

The master's degree program in mass communication and the doctoral program in physical education are being eliminated.

Small Business Incubator Opens at Bowie State University

The Bowie Business Innovation Center offers affordable office space, equipment, and receptionist service to start-up companies. And the businesses receive help from Bowie State faculty with mentoring, press relations, market research, and business plan support.

With Hurricane Approaching, Cheyney University Shuts Down

Cheyney University in Pennsylvania called off classes for Monday October 29 and urged any students who were on campus to leave and return to their homes if possible.

Four HBCUs Join the Maryland-D.C. Campus Compact

The new organization "aims to strengthen the capacity of member institutions to serve society; to enhance student learning; and to develop in individual students the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and habits of civic responsibility locally and globally."

Several HBCU Campuses Are Getting a Makeover

Significant new construction is underway at Delaware State University, Cheyney University, Meharry Medical College and Johnson C. Smith University.

Fort Valley State University to Establish a Nuclear Engineering Program

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is funding new programs at colleges and universities because the nuclear industry is facing a manpower crisis with a need to replace 25,000 skilled workers over the next three years.

Norfolk State University Looks to Boost Retention and Graduation Rates

The university hopes to raise the six-year graduation rate from 34 percent to 40 percent during the next five years. To help reach this goal, a student success center had been established on campus.

Grambling State University to Offer New Online Degree Program

The new online degree program is for students who have completed some college coursework but have dropped out of college without earning their degree.

Howard University College of Pharmacy Establishes a Board of Visitors

For the first time in its history the College of Pharmacy at Howard University in Washington, D.C. has established a board of visitors that will advise the school's administration on educational, fiscal, and fundraising issues.

Hampton University Enters a Partnership With the Dental School at Penn

The new HU-UPenn Biodental Program will allow students to earn a bachelor's degree in biology at Hampton University and a doctorate in dental surgery from Penn.

Tennessee State University Operates a Food Bank for Students in Need

The food bank, located in the campus' Gentry Center, is for students who are facing temporary hardships and have difficulty affording food while attending college.

Two HBCUs Unveil New Websites

Jackson State University in Mississippi has a new logo and a redesigned website is on the way. The University of the District of Columbia has redesigned its site to focus on recruiting new students.

HBCU President Named Chair of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities

Mary Evans Sias, president of Kentucky State University in Frankfort, leads the organization that advocates for and provides leadership and services of its member institutions in order to advance the distinctive mission of public higher education.

North Carolina Central University Opens a New Veterans Center

The historically Black university in Durham celebrated Veterans Day with the opening of a new center on campus dedicated to serving the needs of those students who served their country.

Two Universities Team Up for Joint Celebration to Honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

For the first time, historically Black North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro is teaming up with the predominantly White University of North Carolina at Greensboro for a joint celebration commemorating the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr.

Two HBCUs in Texas Adding New Residence Halls

Prairie View A&M University and Texas Southern University are both adding major new residence hall complexes to their campuses.

Delaware State University Posts Record Enrollment

This fall, there are 4,425 students on campus including a record number of undergraduate students and a record number of graduate students.

Morgan State University Breaks Ground on New Home for Its Business School

The 140,000-square-foot complex will house offices and classrooms for seven academic departments. The $72 million project is scheduled for completion in the summer of 2014.

Howard University Opens Online Store for Reproductions of Its Artwork

The reproductions include works of art by Henry O. Tanner, Aaron Douglas, Jacob Lawrence, L.P. Spinner, and others. Historic photographs relating to Howard University are also available.

Satellite Management Project at Bowie State University Comes to an End

For the past eight years, Bowie State University in Maryland has acted as mission control for NASA's solar, anomalous and magnetospheric particle explorer satellite.

Livingstone College Establishes New Hospitality Management Degree Program

The historically Black college in Salisbury, North Carolina, will offer an associate's degree in culinary arts and a bachelor's degree in hospitality management.

Delaware State University Teams Up With the EPA

Delaware State University in Dover has entered into a new agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that will strengthen the educational institution's programs in the environmental sciences.

Virginia Union University Builds Its First New Residence Hall in Nearly Half a Century

The new Robert J. Brown Living and Learning Center is a $15 million complex that includes a conference and seminar facility as well as residential suites that will house 240 students.

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