Computer Science

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

University of the Virgin Islands
The Department of Computer and Computational Sciences at the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) seeks to hire a full-time, tenure track professor at the Assistant level.
FacultyComputer Science
Virgin Islands

Computer Information Science Instructor (Full-time Tenure-Track Faculty Position)

San Mateo County Community College District
The College seeks a full-time, tenure track faculty member in Computer Information Science. The ideal candidate will share the College's commitment to educating a racially and socioeconomically diverse student population.
FacultyComputer ScienceInformation Science

Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in Computer Science

San Francisco Bay University
San Francisco Bay University is seeking a dynamic and dedicated Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow to deliver key content in SFBU's Masters of Electrical Engineering, Masters of Science in Computer Science, Masters of Science in Data Science, and Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, as well as contribute to our integrated and innovative core curriculum.
FacultyFellowshipComputer Science

Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream – Computer Science

University of Toronto Scarborough
The Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences at the University of Toronto Scarborough invites applications for up to two full-time teaching stream positions in Computer Science.
FacultyComputer Science
Canada: Ontario

Non-Tenure Track Faculty Position in Computer Science

DePaul University, School of Computing
The School of Computing at DePaul University invites applications for a full-time non-tenure-track faculty position in Computer Science.
FacultyComputer Science

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