New Data Shows a Wide Racial Disparity in the GPAs of College Graduates

Whites were more than twice as likely as Blacks to graduate with grade point averages better than 3.5. Blacks were nearly three times as likely as Whites to graduate with a GPA of less than 2.5.

ACE Program Seeks to Increase the Number of Minority College Presidents

The American Council on Education's Spectrum Executive Leadership Program is an initiative that has the goal of making the leadership of higher education more representative of the people it serves.

African Americans Are Slowly Closing the Gap in Medical School Enrollments

But a racial gap remains. African Americans make up 13 percent of the U.S. population but are only 7.3 percent of all first-time enrollees at U.S. medical schools.

The State of Florida Sets Educational Goals by Race

The state set a goal that 88 percent of White students and 74 percent of Black students meet or exceed grade-level reading standards by 2018.

Checking the Progress of Black Faculty at the University of Missouri

The flagship campus of the University of Missouri at Columbia reports that in 2011 there were 51 Black faculty members on campus. This was one fewer than in 2006.

Addressing the Racial Divide in STEM Education

The data suggests that attracting Black students to STEM fields is not the problem but keeping them there is a major concern.

University of Minnesota Hosting a Conference on Global Racial Inequality

The fourth World Conference on Remedies to Racial and Ethnic Economic will be held in Minneapolis on October 11-13.

New Report Documents a Crisis in Black Male High School Graduation Rates

While Black males have made significant gains, a Schott Foundation study finds there is a persisting large racial gap in four-year high school graduation rates.

Census Bureau Reports a Widening of the Racial Income and Poverty Gaps

In 2011, the average Black household in the United State had an income that was only 58 percent of the average non-Hispanic White household.

No Progress in Closing the Racial Gap in ACT Test Scores

The ACT data shows that only 5 percent of Black ACT test takers met the organization's college readiness standards in all four major subject areas.

A Large Racial Gap Persists in Faculty Posts in American Higher Education

The racial gap is especially pronounced at the full professor level where only 3.4 percent of all posts are held by Blacks.

The Myth of Black Economic Progress

All the statistics on income, education, and employment exclude the large number of Americans who are incarcerated in prisons and jails, a population that is disproportionately Black.

A College Education Provides Major Economic Benefits for Blacks in California

The report found that lifetime earnings for African Americans with a four-year college degree in California have grown 85 percent, after adjusting for inflation, over the past 30 years.

Widening Racial Wealth Gap Threatens the Ability of African Americans to Pay for College

According to the Federal Reserve, between 2007 and 2010, nonwhite and Hispanic families saw their median net worth dropped from $29,700 to $20,400. This is a decline of 31.3 percent.

Television Viewing Can Negatively Impact the Self-Esteem of Young African Americans

The results found that for Black and White girls and young Black males, their self esteem was lower the more they watched television. But for White males who watched a lot of television, their self-esteem increased.

University Study Finds That Exercise Alone Does Little to Prevent Obesity Among Black Girls

Official U.S. government data finds that 39 percent of adult African American women are obese. But new research finds that exercise alone may not be adequate to reduce rates of obesity.

The Changing Demographics of the Student Body of the City University of New York

Since 2001, the percentage of Black students in the entering classes at the five most prestigious campuses of the City University of New York has decreased from 17 percent to 10 percent.

Study Finds a Narrowing of the Digital Divide

While broadband access to the Internet among Blacks has increased, much of the gain appears to be from an increased use of smartphones by African Americans.

Is the National African American Spelling Bee a Good Idea?

A new event offers many young African American students the opportunity to compete on a national level in spelling competitions.

Schott Foundation Report Finds Vast Racial Inequities in New York City Public Schools

Black students are four times as likely as Asian or White students to be enrolled in the poorest performing schools.

The Huge Racial Gap in College Graduation Rates

Only 39.5 percent of Black students who entered four-year-college bachelor's degree programs in 2004, earned their degree within six years.

A Check-Up of Blacks in U.S. Medical Schools

Over the first decade of the 21st century, the Black percentage of all U.S. medical school graduates has declined.

Princeton University Study Examines Link Between Socioeconomic Factors and Life Expectancy

Author Michael Geruso concludes that 80 percent of the life expectancy gap between Black men and White men is due to socioeconomic differences.

Benefits of Preschool Are More Likely to Accrue to Children of Lower-Income Homes

A study conducted by a psychologist at the University of Texas finds that the preschool experience can greatly reduce academic achievement gaps between white and nonwhite children and children from rich and poor families.

University of Georgia Study Finds Wide Racial Disparity in Cancer Mortality Rates

The racial disparities in mortality rates were the greatest for oral, prostate, and cervical cancers and were more pronounced in rural areas.

Black Students Taking More AP Tests, But the Racial Scoring Gap Persists

In 2011, Blacks were 14.7 percent of high school graduates, took 7.2 percent of AP tests, and were 4.1 percent of those who passed AP examinations.

Where Do College Students Stand on the Issue of Affirmative Action?

With the Supreme Court agreeing to hear a case on the race-sensitive admissions program at the University of Texas, it appears that there is a wide variety of opinions on the subject among college students.

Good News on Educational Attainments

One in five adult African Americans over the age of 25 are now college educated. There has been tremendous progress, but a significant racial gap remains.

New Princeton University Committee Aims to Identify Ways to Enhance Diversity

The committee will develop recommendations for strategies to attract people of color and women to positions in which they have historically been underrepresented.

Purdue Reports a Shrinking Racial Gap in Retention Rates

In the past five years the racial gap has shrunk from 11 percentage points to almost nothing.

Mentoring Program Aims to Increase the Number of Black Men Seeking Careers in Medicine

Fifteen African American male students from sixth grade classes in Pittsburgh area schools are chosen for the program each year.

The College Enrollment Rates of the Children of Native-Born and Immigrant Black Families

Children in Black families who immigrated to the United States are more likely to enroll in selective colleges than the children of White and native-born Black families.

High School Dropouts: Black Rate Double That of Whites

More than 9 percent of all African Americans ages 16 to 24 in October 2009 did not have a high school diploma or the equivalent and were no longer enrolled in school.

The Racial Gap in Graduation Rates at the U.S. Service Academies

Nationwide, the Black student college graduation rate is about 20 percentage points lower than the rate for White students. But at the U.S. service academies the racial gap is much lower.

Will College-Age Blacks Vote in 2012?

There was a huge jump in voter participation by young Blacks in 2008. Will the same enthusiasm prevail in 2012?

In Smoking, the Racial Gap Strongly Favors Blacks

A University of Michigan study finds that Whites are twice as likely as Blacks to smoke cigarettes.

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