Tag: SAT

Will Changes to the SAT Help College-Bound Blacks?

The College Board has announced sweeping new changes to the SAT college entrance examination. One important development is the announcement of free test preparation services but it seems doubtful that the changes will appease the test's critics.

A Small Decrease This Year, But the Racial Gap in SAT Scores Remains Huge

The mean score for Blacks on the combined critical reading and mathematical portions of the SAT was 860. This was a four-point increase from a year ago. But the mean score for Whites on these sections was 201 points higher.

Study Shows Only 15 Percent of African-American SAT Test Takers Are Well Prepared for College

According to The College Board, whites are more than three times as likely as blacks to be ready for the academic rigors of college.

The Persisting Racial Gap on the SAT College Entrance Examination

Since 1988, the racial gap on the reading and mathematics sections of the SAT has increased from 189 points to 208 points.

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