Tag: U.S. Department of Education

More Than 4 Million Black Students Are Enrolled in Higher Education

In the 2012-13 academic year, there were 4,082,004 Black or African American students enrolled in Title IV institutions in the United States. Blacks made up 14.4 percent of all students at these educational institutions.

New Report Shows the Racial Gap in High School Graduation Rates

The data shows that 86 percent of White students graduated from public high schools compared to 69 percent of Black students. But in some states the graduation rate gap was significantly larger.

Huge Racial Disparities in School Suspensions and Expulsions

Black students are suspended and expelled at a rate three times greater than white students. On average, 5 percent of white students are suspended, compared to 16 percent of black students.

How the Great Recession Impacted the Employment Prospects of Black College Graduates

In 2001, there was almost no racial gap in unemployment rates for recent college graduates. After the Great Recession, a significant racial gap emerged.

Blacks Projected to Have a Higher Share of College Enrollments by 2022

The projections show that by 2022, there will be 3,940,000 African Americans enrolled in higher education. They will make up 17.3 percent of all enrollments in higher education, according to the projections.

The 2014 Class of HBCU All-Stars

The 75 students from undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs at 62 different HBCUs are being honored for their accomplishments in academics, leadership, and civic engagement.

Ericka Miller Nominated to Be Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education

Dr. Miller has been serving as vice president and chief operating officer of the Education Trust, a nonprofit organization that advocates for educational programs and equal opportunity.

The Persisting Racial Gap in College Student Graduation Rates

In 2013 the graduation rate for Black students at the nation's largest universities that participate in the National Collegiate Athletic Association's Division I is 44 percent. This is 22 percentage points below the rate for Whites.

Blacks Reach Racial Parity in College Enrollments, But Lag in Degree Attainments

During the 2011-12 academic year, Blacks made up 14.5 percent of all enrollments in degree-granting institutions but earned only 10.1 percent of all degrees earned at these institutions. Blacks were 19.2 percent of all students who earned degrees at private, for-profit degree granting institutions.

New Data on the Racial Gap in Degree Attainments

African Americans make up about 14 percent of all students enrolled in higher education but they are a far lower percentage of all degree earners. In the 2011-12 academic year, African Americans earned 10.1 percent of all degrees earned at four-year institutions.

Education Department Data Shows Huge Racial Gap in Economic Literacy

For Whites, 53 percent of all high school seniors were rated proficient or advanced but only 17 percent of Black students scored at this level. Some 39 percent of Black students were rated as "Below Basic" compared to 11 percent of Whites.

Federal Commission Finds Vast Inequities in U.S. Educational System

The report of the U.S. Equity and Excellence Commission found that the achievement gap between children from high-income and low-income families is significantly wider for children who were born in 2001 than for children born 25 years earlier.

States With the Best Black Student High School Graduation Rates

Nationwide in 2010, 66.1 percent of Black students who entered high school four years earlier earned their diplomas. In states with significant numbers of Black students, the ones with the highest graduation rates were Arizona, Colorado, Kentucky, and Tennessee.

Addressing the Racial Divide in STEM Education

The data suggests that attracting Black students to STEM fields is not the problem but keeping them there is a major concern.

Leonard L. Haynes III Honored for a Lifetime of Service in Higher Education

The senior director of institutional services for the Office of Postsecondary Education at the U.S. Department of Education, was elected into the Education and Human Ecology Hall of Fame at Ohio State University.

In 2010 There Were Nearly 3 Million Black Students Enrolled in Higher Education

Blacks were 13.4 percent of all students enrolled in institutions eligible to participate in federal student financial aid programs.

Brian Jones Named General Counsel for Strayer University

He is the former general counsel for the U.S. Department of Education.

Federal Government Issues New Guidelines on Efforts to Increase Racial Diversity on Campus

The reports states: "Learning environments comprised of students from diverse backgrounds provide an enhanced educational experience for individual students."

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