Tag: University of Arizona

Robert Q. Berry III to Lead School of Education at Indiana University

Dr. Berry, dean of the University of Arizona College of Education, has spent his career studying equity issues in mathematics. His new deanship at Indiana University will begin in April.

The White House Presents Its Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award to Karen Ivy

Dr. Ivy was recognized by the White House for her outstanding background in community service. She is known for creating the U.S. to Uganda Connections Program, an international initiative that uses technology to inspire and empower youth through educational exchanges and leadership development.

Tuskegee University Partners With Cornell University for Digital Biology and Sustainable Agriculture Research

Tuskegee University is the first HBCU to join the Center for Research on Programmable Plant Systems, a collaborative research group led by Cornell University. The center is currently conducting research to develop tools that can communicate with plants.

Carnegie Mellon Univerity Professor Honored for Lifetime Achievement in Academic Engineering

Shawn Blanton, professor of electrical and computer engineering at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, received the Golden Torch Award for Lifetime Achievement in Academia from the National Society of Black Engineers. He is the founder and director of the Advanced Chip Test Laboratory at the university.

Five African Americans Who Have Been Appointed to Diversity Positions in Higher Education

Taking on new diversity roles are John Johnson at Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington, Angela Mosley-Monts at the University of Arkansas, Carllos Lassiter at Austin College in Sherman, Texas, Ivy Banks at the Association of American Universities, and Samira M. Payne at Marquette University in Milwaukee.

Study Finds a Racial Disparity in Homeownership in Flood-Prone Areas

A new study from scholars at the University of Arizona and the University of Kentucky finds that Black and Hispanic people and people with low incomes are more likely to live in areas at high risk of flooding from natural disasters than White and Asian people.

Study Examines How Racial Identity Affects Self-Esteem and Well-Being Among Young Black Males

Researchers from the University of Michigan and the University of Arizona surveyed a large group of young Black males to examine the effects of puberty on symptoms of depression, self-esteem, and self-efficacy.

Study Finds Prosecutor Bias May Not Be a Major Factor in Criminal Justice Inequities

The study examined whether prosecutors charged a felony, whether they chose to fine the defendant or seek a prison sentence, and the proposed cost of the fine or length of the sentence. The results showed little or no differences between Black and White defendants.

Black Student Attacked on the Campus of the University of Arizona

A Black student at the University of Arizona was accosted by two White students who used racial slurs. When the African American student told the two White students to stop the verbal abuse, he was attacked. The Black student was punched in the head and kicked while he lay on the ground.

Higher Education Grants or Gifts of Interest to African Americans

Here is this week’s news of grants or gifts to historically Black colleges and universities or for programs of particular interest to African Americans in higher education.

Study Finds College Recruiters Tend to Visit Wealthier, Predominantly White High Schools

A new study by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles and the University of Arizona finds that American colleges and universities tend to spend their recruiting resources at high schools attended by children of high-income White families.

Academic Study Finds Large Racial Disparity in Care for Heart Failure Patients

The study examined the cases of more than 104,000 patients at 497 hospitals in the United States. The results showed that for patients admitted to intensive care units for heart failure, Whites patients were 40 percent more likely to be treated by a cardiologist than Blacks.

Strong Racial Identity Can Help Adolescents Seek Out More Diverse Friendships

A study by researchers at the University of Michigan and the University of Arizona finds that middle school boys who are secure in their racial identity are more likely to seek out friends in other racial and ethnic groups. Not so for middle school girls.

Black Directors of Methadone Clinics Are the Least Likely to Dispense Recommended Minimum Doses

A study led by a researcher at Johns Hopkins University finds that at methadone treatment facilities run by African American directors, patients are less likely to receive the recommended minimum dose than at facilities directed by managers of other races or ethnic groups.

Higher Education Grants of Interest to African Americans

Here is this week’s news of grants to historically Black colleges and universities or for programs of particular interest to African Americans in higher education.

Is Bias Responsible for the Racial Disparity in Pedestrian Deaths?

A study by researchers at the University of Arizona and Portland State University found that African Americans on average had to wait 32 percent longer than Whites before drivers would yield to them in crosswalks.

President of Virginia State University to Step Down

After meeting in a three-hour closed-door session with the Virginia State University board of visitors, university president Keith T. Miller announced that he will step down on December 31.

University of Arizona to Offer a Minor Degree Concentration in Hip-Hop

Among the courses that are offered in the minor degree concentration in the Africana studies program are Rap, Culture, and God, Hip-Hop Cinema, and U.S. and Francophone Hip-Hop Cultures.

Black and Minority Students Are Being Squeezed Out of Community Colleges

A new report states, "Hundreds of thousands of prospective students are knocking on the doors of community colleges and are being denied access because the colleges have insufficient capacity to serve them."

Honors and Awards

Marie Chisholm-Burns, Michael and Libby Johnson, and M. Christopher Brown receive honors.

The New Dean of the College of Pharmacy at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center

Marie Chisholm-Burns will assume her new role at the beginning of 2012.

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