Tag: University of Connecticut

Three Black Scholars in New Teaching Roles

Nneka Logan is a new assistant professor of communication at Virginia Tech. Tamika La Salle has joined the education faculty at the University of Connecticut and Courtney Simons is teaching food science at Wright State University.

Two Black Scholars in New Teaching Roles

Eno E. Ebong is a new assistant professor of chemical engineering at Northeastern University in Boston and Lewis Gordon of the University of Connecticut was named the Nelson Mandela Visiting Professor at Rhodes University in South Africa.

The First Graduate of the UConn Medical School from the Rowe Health Scholars Program

The program, funded by the Aetna Foundation, is aimed at increasing the number of undergraduate students from underrepresented groups who pursue careers in the healthcare field.

In Memoriam: H. Fred C. Simons, 1925-2013

Dr. Simons served in a number of administrative posts at the University of Connecticut, including vice president for student affairs. The African American Cultural Center on the University of Connecticut campus is named in his honor.

Three African American Men in New University Faculty Roles

Harvey Felder joined the music department and this fall Preston Green III will hold an endowed chair in the College of Education at the University of Connecticut. James Holden, an assistant professor of music, was named interim director of bands at Virginia State University.

Higher Education Grants of Interest to African-Americans

Here is this week’s news of grants to historically Black colleges and universities or for programs of particular interest to African Americans in higher education.

Two African American Scholars Assume New Teaching Posts

Lisa Bowleg is a new associate professor of psychology at George Washington University and William Jelani Cobb has joined the history department faculty at the University of Connecticut as an associate professor.

Marilyn Nelson Named to the Board of Chancellors of the Academy of American Poets

Professor Marilyn Nelson taught at the University of Connecticut from 1978 to 2002. She is the former poet laureate of the State of Connecticut and served in that position from 2001 to 2006. Twice she has been a finalist for the National Book Award.

Lewis Gordon to Join the Faculty at the University of Connecticut

He is currently a professor of philosophy and director of the Center for Afro-Jewish Studies and the Institute for the Study of Race and Social Thought at Temple University in Philadelphia.

University of Connecticut Scholars to Study Gullah Culture

Robert Stephens and Mary Ellen Junda, both professors of music at the University of Connecticut, will hold a workshop next summer in Savannah, Georgia, to instruct K-12 teachers on how to educate their pupils on the culture and traditions of the Gullah people.

In Memoriam: Rollin Charles Williams, 1922-2012

In 1957, he was hired as an assistant professor of social work, the first African American faculty member at the University of Connecticut.

Jeffrey Ogbar Named Vice Provost for Diversity at the University of Connecticut

He is a professor of history and has been serving as associate dean for the humanities in the university's College of Liberal Arts and Studies.

UConn Scientist on the Cutting Edge of Research on Regenerating Human Tissues

Dr. Cato T. Laurencin's work on tissue regeneration is called one of the "100 scientific discoveries that changed the world."

Notable Appointments of African Americans in Higher Education

Here is news of appointments of seven African Americans to new posts.

In Memoriam: Cleveland Donald Jr. (1946-2012)

A longtime educator, he was the second African American graduate of the University of Mississippi.

Marilyn Nelson to Receive the Frost Medal from the Poetry Society of America

She taught in the English department at the University of Connecticut from 1978 to 2002 and is the former poet laureate of Connecticut.

UConn Receives Collection of Recordings Preserving the Culture of Darfur

Mia Farrow has toured Darfur and made videos of the region's music and dance in order to preserve them for future generations.

Honors and Awards

A summary of this week's significant awards bestowed on blacks in higher education.

Honors and Awards

Honors bestowed on African Americans by colleges and universities.

Grants and Gifts

• Researchers at the College of William and Mary and the University of Maryland, Baltimore County received a three-year, $171,928 grant from the National Science...

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