Tag: UNiversity of Mary Washington

Public School Students With Teachers Educated at HBCUs Do Better at Mathematics

A new study by Lavar Edmonds, a graduate student in the economics of education at Stanford University, finds that both Black and White HBCU-trained teachers in North Carolina Public schools are more effective with Black students in mathematics than their same-race, non-HBCU peers.

Four African Americans Who Have Been Named to University Diversity Positions

Taking on new roles as diversity officers are Anthony Jones at Slippery Rock University in Pennsylvania, Shavonne Shorter at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia, Bruce King at Elmhurst University in Illinois, and Thomas Witherspoon at the University of Tampa in Florida.

Two African American Women in New Administrative Posts at Universities

Sabrina Johnson was appointed vice president for equity and access and chief diversity officer at the University of Mary Washington in Virginia and Teresa A. Miller was named senior vice chancellor for strategic initiatives for the State University of New York System.

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