Will Football Return to the University of Maryland Eastern Shore?

In the mid-1960s Emerson Boozer, Douglas Goodwin, and Curtis Gentry were all running backs on the football team at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. All three went on to play in the National Football League. In 1965 the university posted its 20th consecutive winning campaign. All told, nearly 30 players from the university went on to careers in the NFL.

But in 1979 financial considerations led to the discontinuance of the football program. For the past 33 years, there has not been a football team at the university. But an effort is underway to bring football back. A study is underway to see if a financially sound football program can become a reality.

New university president Juliette B. Bell is open to the idea if it will not take resources away from other university programs. The university’s website hosts a page promoting the idea of bringing football back to the university.

Four running backs from the 1965 UMES team.

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