• At Mercer University in Macon, Georgia, fliers were posted in residence halls calling for the designation of November and December as “White History Months.” The fliers read, “It is just as fair to have White History Month/s as it is to have Black History Month/s.” The chief of staff of the university’s president told the press, “There are ways to have intelligent discussion on issues of race, and posting anonymous fliers is not the way to do that.”
The latest Department of Education data shows that Blacks make up 35 percent of the undergraduate student body at the university.
• Vandals wrote the words “White Power” on the sidewalk in front of the home of the head men’s basketball coach at Bowling Green State University. The coach is an African American. A swastika was also written on the sidewalk.
Blacks are 11 percent of the undergraduate student body at Bowling Green.
Episodes like this are popping on college campuses everywhere including the Univ. of Texas bleach incident. Information is never transformation and much more needs to be done and discussed in the area of diversity and bringing diverse groups together.