A new report from the American Council on Education and the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPR-HR) examines the racial and gender diversity of the pipeline for future college and university presidents. The results of the survey point to the likelihood that little progress can be expected in the years ahead in the number of Blacks and other minorities in leadership positions at our leading educational institutions. Today, about 13 percent of all college and university presidents are from underrepresented minority groups.
The survey of senior administrators at colleges and universities across the United States found that between 2008 and 2013 the percentage of Blacks and other minorities in top posts remained the same. The posts include provost, chief academic officer, executive vice president, and deans of academic colleges. The survey found that the percentage of Blacks in the position of chief academic officer actually declined from 3.7 percent in 2008 to 2.3 percent today.
Stephanie Bell-Rose, director of the TIAA-CREF Institute, which helped fund the study, commented: “Diversity of both thought and background helps drive fresh ideas and perspectives, enriching the intellectual and cultural environment of an organization. This study underscores the importance of developing a diverse higher education leadership pipeline, which is essential to meeting the needs of an increasing diverse student population.”