Multicultural student development programs at the University of California at Berkeley are receiving significant boosts in funding for the coming academic year. The funding will allow for the hiring of three new staff members, one for each of the Chicano/Latino, Asian Pacific, and African American programs. Additional money will be allocated to the hiring of student interns in each program. The office space for the Multicultural Student Development programs on campus will be upgraded.
Gibor Basri, vice chancellor of equity and inclusion at the University of California at Berkeley stated, “This is a major increase in what the programs can do. We’re really looking forward to an upgrade in the quality and resources of these programs.”
Dr. Basri added that the main purpose of these programs is “to provide a place where students in these populations can find community and a safe space to talk about the challenges of being in that particular community, and get advice. They also provide a platform for that group to introduce itself to the rest of campus.”