University of Kansas Institute to Examine Modern Black Poetry

This July, 21 faculty members and four graduate students from colleges and universities across the country will come to the campus of the University of Kansas in Lawrence for an institute entitled “Black Poetry After the Black Arts Movement.” Four of the 25 participants will be from historically Black universities.

The two-week institute will study Black poetry from 1960 and afterwards. The institute is part of a grant program of the Project on the History of Black Writing funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

maryemma-grahamThe institute is under the direction of Maryemma Graham, University Distinguished Professor of English at the University of Kansas. Dr. Graham has been on the faculty at the university since 1998. She is the author or editor of 10 books, including The Cambridge History of African American Literature (Cambridge University Press, 2011). Professor Graham is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She earned a master’s degree in English at Northwestern University and a second master’s degree in Africana studies and a Ph.D. in English at Cornell University.

More information on the institute is available here.

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