Florida A&M University Takes Over 3,800-Acre Federal Facility

famu_logoFlorida A&M University, the historically Black educational institution in Tallahassee, has received the title for a 3,800-acre tract of land and 19 buildings that made up the former Subtropical Agricultural and Research Station in Brooksville, Florida. The transaction is one of the largest single land transfers to one of the 19 historically black land-grant universities established under the Second Morrill Act of 1890. The station operated from 1929 to 2012 and conducted extensive research on dairy cows and beef cattle.


MangumElmira Mangum, president of Florida A&M University, stated “we are grateful to the USDA for entrusting us with this land. It will enable FAMU to develop educational training and developmental programs for new and beginning farmers and ranchers, and to teach them the latest biotechnological innovations and other key initiatives.”

The university also plans to use the facility to conduct research on subtropical fruits and animals. The university will also conduct organic farming at the site and provide training to veterans interested in careers in farming.

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