A new report from the Knight Foundation and the Newseum Institute reveals the results of a survey conducted with students at historically Black colleges and universities by the Gallup organization. The survey documented the students’ views on free expression on campus. The results were compared to an earlier survey of the attitudes of college students nationwide on First Amendment issues.
As might be expected, students at HBCUs reported a more positive racial climate on their campuses than college students generally. Students at HBCUs are more likely than college students generally to support restrictions on banning offensive or biased speech on campus.
Some 56 percent of students at historically Black colleges and universities stated that college students should have the right to ban press coverage of student protests. Only 28 percent of all college students agreed.
Only 45 percent of students at HBCUs believe that the right of freedom to assemble is a secure right in the United States. Two thirds of college students generally thought the right of freedom of assembly was secure.
Only 28 percent of the students at HBCUs said they trusted the national press to report fairly and accurately. Some 42 percent of all college students said they thought the press was fair and accurate.
The full report, Historically Black College and University Students’ Views of Free Expression on Campus, may be downloaded by clicking here.