White Supremacists on College Campuses Emboldened by Trump Victory

No HateThere has been a rash of racial incidents on college campuses in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s election to the presidency. Many of these incidents have involved hate crimes directed against Muslims. But racial hate directed against African Americans has occurred on several campuses.

At Lebanon Valley College in Annville, Pennsylvania “niggers#Trump” was found written on the building housing the Women’s Services and Gender Resource Center. The building also serves as student residence hall. African Americans make up 3 percent of the undergraduate student body at the college.

Racist fliers with the headline “Why White Women Shouldn’t Date Black Men” were posted on the campuses of Southern Methodist University in Dallas and the University of Oklahoma.

At Baylor University in Waco, Texas, a Black woman student who was born in Zambia said she was shoved on her way to class by a man who said, “No niggers allowed on the sidewalk.” The man then stated, “I am just trying to make America great again.”

At Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, a group of people ran through the South Campus shouting the word “Niggers.”

Students at Abilene Christian University in Texas were expelled after posting of a photograph of a White student in blackface on social media.

At Texas State University in San Marcos, offensive posters were put up at several spots on campus. The text of the poster read: “Now that our man Trump is elected and Republicans own both the Senate and the House – time to organize tar & feather vigilante squads and go arrest & torture those deviant university leaders spouting all this diversity garbage.”

A Black woman student at Villanova University in Pennsylvania, reports that she was assaulted by a group of White males who yelled “Trump. Trump. Trump!”

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