The Rebranding of Elizabeth City State University in North Carolina

Elizabeth City State University, the historically Black educational institution in North Carolina, recently unveiled a new logo and marketing slogan. The new logo has a depiction of Lane Hall, the oldest building on campus and stands upon the words “Founded 1891.” This is meant to symbolize an institution that continues to flourish, does not forget its beginnings, and is rooted in history and tradition.

The new tagline “Come to Discover. Leave to Conquer.” is consistent with the university’s mascot, the Vikings. According to the university, the ECSU Viking is “known for growing through constant discovery and triumph of new territories. Similar to the ECSU Viking, many people come to the institution to teach, learn, or discover; however, they depart from the institution equipped with invaluable skills and supported by a network of family, friends and community.”

Over the next several months, the logo and tagline will become integrated across the campus community to become part of the institutions marketing and promotional materials. A video about the new logo and marketing campaign can be seen below.

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  1. As an Alumni, its good to see these changes for the University. Lets hope that they will have a positive influence and help it progress.

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