A Series of Racial Incidents at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana

A series of racial incidents occurred on the campus of DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana. A racist threat was found in a restroom on campus. A student dressed in blackface and wearing an offensive sign was seen at a local bar, and the word “nigger” was spelled out in stones at the DePauw Nature Park.

Widespread protests were held on campus. The university’s Association of African American Students submitted a list of eight demands to the university administration.

Mark McCoy, president of DePauw University issued a statement that read in part: “I want to state categorically that slurs, threats or intimidation are never welcome on this campus. Our society has major challenges before us and we must do in all in our power to be certain that this campus, our home, is inclusive, welcoming, and safe.”


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  1. It’s a compelling spectacle to see these students claiming they don’t feel “safe.” Everyone one of them, just like every outside observer, knows with 100% certainty these incidents are all cheesy hoaxes. The students openly want to sicken the public with the pretentious act they are putting on. This whole exercise is just another step in compounding the mass misery of the human race. The only question is why do these kids hate humanity so badly? At least mass murderers put their victims out of their misery, instead of tastelessly prolonging it.

    • Not so quick. At my college a Black woman was raped and beat up by several white men, who then vanished into thin air. They kept their hands over her eyes during the ordeal. They have never been caught. These are not all cheesy.

    • I always look for at least two corroborating sources. I do not count the same article on two or more sites as separate accounts. I found more than one account of racist incidents in different news sites including the Chicago Sun Times.So I find your statement that everyone knows these incidents to be a hoax a little disingenuous.

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