Fayetteville State University Launches Bachelor’s Degree in Supply Chain Management and Technology

Fayetteville State University, a historically Black university in North Carolina, has launched a new bachelor’s degree program in supply chain management and technology.

Housed within the Broadwell College of Business and Economics, the bachelor’s degree program will prepare students for successful careers in logistics upon graduation from Fayetteville State University. Students who enroll in the degree program will learn about supply chain management fundamentals, enterprise resource planning systems, operations planning and control, project management, global trends in logistics, and disaster management.

“At FSU, we are deeply committed to offering programs that are not only responsive to the changing needs of our students, but also align with the demands of the professional landscape,” said Monica T. Leach, provost and senior vice chancellor at Fayetteville State University. “The launch of the supply chain management and technology program underscores our dedication to be a catalyst of economic growth in the state and positions our graduates for success in a field experiencing unprecedented growth and demand.”

The new degree program is now enrolling students for the 2024-2025 academic year. More information on the bachelor’s degree in supply chain management and technology can be found here.

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