A Major National Initiative to Close the College Achievement Gap by 2025

The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities has organized a collaborative effort in which 130 public universities and systems will work together to increase college access, close the achievement gap, and award hundreds of thousands more degrees by 2025.

The Gender Gap in Degree Attainments Among African Americans

There is a major gender gap in degree awards at all levels among African Americans. In the 2016-17 academic year, Black women earned 66.9 percent of all associate's degrees, 64.1 percent of all bachelor's degrees, 70.1 percent of all master's degrees, and 68.4 percent of all research doctorates awarded to African Americans.

New Data on African American Degree Attainments in the United States

During the 2016-17 academic year, African Americans earned more than 349,000 degree awards at four-year U.S. postsecondary educational institutions. Blacks earned 9.6 percent of all bachelor's degrees, 10.2 percent of all master's degrees, and 8 percent of all research doctorates.

The Education Trust Examines African American Degree Attainments by State

Just over 40 percent of Black adults in New Mexico have earned a higher education degree, the highest rate in the nation. The state with the lowest level of degree attainment for African American adults is Louisiana.

New Report Examines Racial Disparities Among Those Who Have Completed College

There have been a great number of studies done on racial disparities in access to - and graduating from - college. But a new report from the Center for American Progress finds that there are large racial disparities that exist even among those who complete college.

Fields Where African Americans Earn Few or No Doctoral Degrees

Blacks are vastly underrepresented among doctoral degree recipients in some disciplines. For example, in 2016 African Americans earned only 1.8 percent of all doctorates awarded in physics to U.S. citizens and permanent residents.

Doctoral Awards at Historically Black Colleges and Universities

National Science Foundation data shows that historically Black colleges and universities awarded 432 doctorates in 2016. This was 0.8 percent of all doctorates awarded in the United States. Howard University leads the list with 93 doctoral awards.

The Persisting Racial Gap in Doctoral Degree Awards

African Americans earned 6.6 percent of all doctoral degrees awarded to students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents of this country. Thus, African Americans earned about one half the number of doctorates that would be the case if racial parity with the U.S. Black population prevailed.

Do Black Male Student Althletes Graduate at a Higher Rate Than All Black Male...

There is the general impression that the Black athletes we see on the college football field or basketball court are doing better academically than their Black peers who do not compete in intercollegiate athletics. But a new study says this is not true at the powerhouses of collegiate sports.

Will Eliminating Hunger Boost Academic Performance of African American College Students?

A new study is being conducted by the University of Houston to see if a program that will provide food to Black and Latino/a students at Houston Community College will result in better academic performance and increase retention rates.

University of Minnesota Aims to Boost Retention and Graduation Rate of Black Students

For students who enrolled at the flagship Twin Cities campus of the University of Minnesota in the fall of 2010, 80 percent of Whites earned their degrees within six years. For African Americans the figures was 63 percent. The university hopes to narrow the gap.

The Large Gender Gap in Degree Attainments Among African Americans

During the 2015-16 academic year, African Americans earned 570,354 degrees and certificates at degree-granting institutions in the United States. Of these, 65.3 percent were earned by Black women. Black women earned nearly 70 percent of all master's degrees awarded to African Americans.

The College Graduation Rates of African American Student Athletes

According to the National Collegiate Athletic Association, 59 percent of Black students entering college in 2010 on athletic scholarships at a group of the nation's largest universities earned their diplomas within six years. This is 13 percentage points higher than the rate for Black students as a whole at these universities.

A Record Number of Doctoral Degree Awards at Grambling State University

Last month seven students were awarded doctorates in developmental education at Grambling State University in Louisiana. This is the largest number of doctoral degrees awarded in university history. One of the seven students is a grandfather who has been serving as a lecturer in the College of Business at Grambling.

The Racial Gap in Educational Attainment in the United States

African Americans are showing steady progress in degree attainments at all levels. However, significant racial gaps persist at every level of education. Some 38 percent of non-Hispanic White adults hold a college degree compared to 24 percent of African American adults.

Intervention Succeeds in Boosting Retention of Students From Underrepresented Groups

A new intervention program developed at the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis has been proven successful in boosting the retention rate and grade point averages of students from underrepresented groups.

The Very Large Racial Gap in College Graduation Rates Persists

The statistics show that 35.8 percent of Black students who enrolled at four-year colleges in 2010 had earned a diploma by 2016. For Whites, 60.7 percent of students who entered college in 2010 had graduated by 2016.

Racial Disparities in College Enrollment and Retention in Los Angeles

A new study examines college enrollment and retention rates of graduates of the Los Angeles Unified School District. The data shows a high level of participation in college but low levels of successful completion.

Education Department Report Documents Educational Inequality in the United States

The report contains data on African Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans, American Indians and other ethnic groups. There are detailed tables on enrollments, educational achievement, retention, student behavior, degree attainments, and outcomes of education.

New Report Shows Blacks Still Lag in Degree Attainments

In the 2015-16 academic year, Blacks earned 10.2 percent of all degrees granted by four-year educational institutions in the United States. Blacks women outpaced Black men by a large margin at all levels of degree attainment.

Is Federal Graduation Rate Data Unfair to HBCUs?

A new report from the American Council on Education shows that the methodology used by the U.S. Department of Education to compute the graduation rate at HBCUs paints an unfair picture of the performance of these educational institutions in graduating their students.

Alabama State University Awards Its First Master of Social Work Degrees

Seven students, all of whom previously had earned bachelor's degrees in social work at Alabama State University, were recently awarded the university's first master of social work degrees.

New Report Confirms the Large Racial Gap in College Completion Rates

A new report from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center finds that for students entering college in 2010, more than two thirds of White students, 67.2 percent, earned their degree within six years. This was more than 21 percentage points higher than the degree completion rate for African Americans.

Study Finds Colleges Can Share the Blame for the Racial Gap in Graduation Rates

A new study by researchers at New York University, Florida State University, and Southern Methodist University finds that more than 60 percent of the racial gap in college completion rates may be attributed to factors that occur before college.

The Racial Gap in College Graduation Rates

If we look at all four-year educational institutions, we find that 39.5 percent of African Americans who entered these institutions in 2009 seeking a bachelor's degree earned their degree within six years. For Whites seeking bachelor's degrees, the graduation rate was 59.4 percent.

The Education Trust Examines the Racial Gap in College Graduation Rates

The report identifies 18 universities where the Black graduation rate is either higher than the rate for White students or is only slight lower than the rate for White students. In contrast, the report identifies 21 universities where the graduation rate gap is very large.

The Heavyweight Champion of Black Doctoral Degree Awards

African Americans were awarded 682 doctoral degrees from Walden University between 2011 and 2015. This is almost double the number of doctoral degrees awarded by Howard University, which ranks in second place in doctoral degree awards to blacks from 2011 to 2015.

The Persisting Racial Gap in Doctoral Degree Awards

The percentage of all doctoral degree recipients who are African Americans is increasing at only a snail's pace. In 2005, Blacks were 6.2 percent of all U.S. citizens and permanent residents who earned doctorates. In 2015 the figure was 6.5 percent.

Elite Colleges and Universities Mount Effort to Boost Enrollments of Low-Income Students

The American Talent Initiative, funded by the Bloomberg Philanthropies, hopes to expand to 270 educational institutions nationwide. It has set a goal of enrolling and graduating 50,000 students from low-income families by 2025.

University of South Florida Looks to Boost Black Student Graduation Rates

At the University of South Florida, the six-year graduation rate for Black students who entered the university in 1999 was 50 percent. Ten years later in 2009 the rate was 69 percent. But the university is taking further steps to boost the Black student graduation rate to new heights.

Latest Data on African American Degree Awards From U.S. Colleges and Universities

A new report from the U.S. Department of Education shows that in the 2014-15 academic year African Americans earned 340,946 degrees and certificates from four-year institutions. They made up 10.5 percent of all individuals who were given degrees or certificates from four-year institutions.

Black Women Now Have the Highest Graduation Rate at the University of Georgia

The Office of Institutional Diversity at the university reports that for students who entered the university in 2008, 92.8 percent of all African American women had either earned their degrees within six years or had transferred to another educational institution. The rate for the student body as a whole is 84.6 percent.

The Youngest Woman Recipient of a Ph.D. in Africa

Muswenkosi Donia Saurombe is on track to receive Ph.D. in industrial psychology from the North West University in Mafikeng, South Africa, this October. At the age of 23, she will be the youngest women in African history to earn a Ph.D.

Tracking African American Progress in Higher Education

A new 188-page report from the U.S. Department of Education offers a wide-ranging summary of most of the important educational statistics on enrollment, financial aid, graduation rates, degree attainments etc. as they pertain to race all in one place.

An Educational Milestone for April Gillens at Clemson University

Earlier this month, April Gillens became the first African American to receive a Ph.D. in environmental engineering and earth sciences at Clemson University in South Carolina.

New Data on African American’s Enrollments and Degree Awards in Higher Education

The data shows that in the 2014-15 academic year, there were 3,810,300 African Americans enrolled at degree-granting institutions in the United States. They made up 13.9 percent of the total enrollments in higher education.

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