The New Director of the James Weldon Institute at Emory University

Tyrone Forman, a professor of sociology at Emory, replaces the late Rudolph R. Byrd, who founded the institute in 2007.

John Silvanus Wilson Jr. to Be the Next President of Morehouse College

Dr. Wilson currently serves as the executive director of the White House Initiative on Historically Black College and Universities. He will begin his new role in January.

Fisk University Names Two Finalists for President

Fisk has chosen two finalists with far different resumes. One has a background in business while the other has had a career largely in academia.

Africana Studies Scholar Elected to the California State Assembly

Shirley Weber, professor and chair of the department of Africana studies at San Diego State University, will be the first African American state legislator in California from a district south of the Los Angeles metropolitan area.

Eric Lee to Lead Colorado Community College Online

Since April 2009, he has been the president and CEO of the Colorado Black Chamber of Commerce and previously was assistant to the president at Suffolk University in Boston.

Oklahoma Bans Race-Sensitive Admissions in Higher Education

Oklahoma is the eighth state to ban the consideration of race in university admissions. Blacks make up about 8 percent of the state's population.

The Reelection of Barack Obama: JBHE Readers Got It Right

Despite polls showing an extremely close race, some 89 percent of responders to last week's JBHE readers' poll predicted that the President would be reelected.

The University of Texas to Offer Ph.D. Program in Black Studies

The doctoral program in Black studies is the first in the state of Texas and the first in the southwestern United States.

Larry Rivers Leaving Presidency of Fort Valley State University

He has served as the eighth president of he historically Black university since 2006. He is the former dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Florida A&M University.

Spelman College Is Dropping Intercollegiate Athletics

According to President Beverly Daniel Tatum, the college will now focus instead on "fitness/wellness/intramural programs, emphasizing those activities that career women are likely to maintain for a lifetime - tennis, golf, swimming, yoga, Pilates, running and walking."

Decisions Made on the Future of Three HBCU Presidents in Mississippi

Donna Oliver of Mississippi Valley State University did not have her contract renewed. Carolyn Meyers at Jackson State University and M. Christopher Brown of Alcorn State University received four-year extensions.

Karine Gibbs of Harvard University Wins Packard Foundation Fellowship

An assistant professor of molecular and cellular biology at Harvard University, Dr. Gibbs will receive a total of $875,000 over the next five years to use in any way she wants to further her research.

African Americans Are Slowly Closing the Gap in Medical School Enrollments

But a racial gap remains. African Americans make up 13 percent of the U.S. population but are only 7.3 percent of all first-time enrollees at U.S. medical schools.

Tennessee State University Announces Four Finalists for Its Next President

Glenda Glover, dean of business at Jackson State University, Ainsley Carry, vice president of student affairs at Auburn University, Candace Campbell Jackson, a vice president at the University of Akron, and Bennie Harris, a vice president at Lipscomb University, are in the running.

Coppin State University President Announces He Is Stepping Down

Reginald Avery is leaving in January after five years on the job. Last February, the faculty senate approved a vote of no confidence in Dr. Avery's leadership.

Online Publication Identifies Its Choices for the Best Law Schools for Blacks

Harvard Law School is rated as the best for Black students. The law school at historically Black Howard University ranks second and the Georgetown University Law Center is third.

Morehouse College Institutes Belt Tightening Measures Due to Drop in Enrollments

Employees will have to take up to five unpaid furlough days through the remainder of the year. Other budget cuts will be made and fewer part-time faculty members will be hired for the spring semester.

The Racial Gap in College Student Graduation Rates

The data shows the overall graduation rate for White students entering college in 2005 was 60.2 percent. For Blacks, the graduation rate was 22.3 percentage points lower at 37.9 percent.

Addressing the Racial Divide in STEM Education

The data suggests that attracting Black students to STEM fields is not the problem but keeping them there is a major concern.

Dinaw Mengestu and Dylan C. Penningroth Win “Genius Awards”

Among the 23 MacArthur Foundation Fellow this year are Ethiopian-born writer Dinaw Mengestu and Northwestern University historian Dylan C. Penningroth.

Nearly 3 Million Black Students Are Enrolled in Higher Education

In 2011 Blacks were 13.8 percent of all students in higher education but they were 24.2 percent of all students in for-profit schools and institutions.

Colleges and Universities Showing the Largest Increases in Black Student Graduation Rates

The Black student graduation rate at California University of Pennsylvania increased from 27.5 percent in 2004 to 60.5 percent in 2010. Now the Black student graduation rate is higher than the rate for Whites.

Record Black Enrollments at Louisiana State University

While the progress is commendable, it must be noted that Blacks make up only 10.3 percent of the total enrollments at the flagship campus of the state university, whereas Blacks are 32.4 percent of the population in the state.

Phyllis Vroom Named Deputy President at Wayne State University

The former dean of the School of Social Work will fill in at times for President Allan Gilmour who has been battling prostate cancer.

More Than 180,000 Black Students Enrolled in Graduate Programs

The Council of Graduate Schools reports that in the 2010-11 academic year, there were 38,498 first-time and a total of 181,905 African American/Black students in U.S. graduate schools.

New CEO for Howard University Hospital

Hebert C. Buchanan Jr. has been serving as the chief operating officer at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore.

No Progress in Closing the Racial Gap in SAT Scores

In 2012 the mean score for Whites on the reading and mathematics sections of the SAT was 1063, 207 points higher than the mean score for Blacks.

Duke University Acquires the Papers of John Hope Franklin

The archive includes more than 300 boxes of materials which include diaries, correspondence, manuscripts, drafts of speeches, photographs, and video recordings.

James Rosser Stepping Down as President of California State University-Los Angeles

Dr. Rosser has served as the sixth president of the university and professor of healthcare management since 1979.

New Report Documents a Crisis in Black Male High School Graduation Rates

While Black males have made significant gains, a Schott Foundation study finds there is a persisting large racial gap in four-year high school graduation rates.

University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Administrator Named to United Nations Post

Joan M. Prince is vice chancellor for global inclusion and engagement at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee.

U.S. Education Department Awards $227.9 Million in Grants to 97 HBCUs

The five-year, Strengthening Historically Black College and Universities grants will be used for improving the physical plant at these institutions, strengthening their curriculum and academic resources, or to build endowments.

Robert J. Jones Named President of the University at Albany

For the past eight years, Dr. Jones has been the senior vice president for academic administration for the University of Minnesota system.

Kenoye Eke Is the New Provost at Lincoln University of Pennsylvania

Since 2010 he has served as vice president for institutional advancement at Grambling State University in Louisiana.

Record African American Enrollments at the University of Kentucky

In a state where Blacks are 8 percent of the population, African Americans make up 11 percent of this year's entering class.

Census Bureau Reports a Widening of the Racial Income and Poverty Gaps

In 2011, the average Black household in the United State had an income that was only 58 percent of the average non-Hispanic White household.

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