David Wilson Is Not Done Yet at Morgan State University

pres_wilsonIn early December, the board of regents of Morgan State University voted not to renew the contract of David Wilson who has served as president of the university since 2010. His contract is due to expire on June 30.

At that time Dr. Wilson, in a letter addressed to the “Morgan Community,” stated, “I have committed no act of illegality, immorality, or malfeasance. I stand proudly on the body of work we have been able to achieve during my tenure. It is indeed unfortunate that half of the members of the board of regents and I do not see it the same way.”

Students, faculty, and alumni protested the decision not to renew Dr. Wilson’s contract. On December 29, the board of regents reconsidered their decision. They “sustained” their decision not to renew Dr. Wilson’s existing three-year contract, but they did agree to negotiate a new one-year deal covering the period from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014. The terms of the one-year deal have yet to be negotiated.

Dr. Wilson who met with the board for three hours before the decision was announced stated, “I am very proud to be the president of this great institution and will continue to lead it with dignity, respect, and transparency.”

Prior to becoming the 12th president of Morgan State University, Dr. Wilson was chancellor of the University of Wisconsin Colleges and the University of Wisconsin-Extension. During a more than 30-year career in higher education, he has held administrative positions at Rutgers University, Kentucky State University, Radcliffe College, Auburn University, and Tuskegee University.

Dr. Wilson holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Tuskegee University. He earned a second master’s degree and an educational doctorate from Harvard University.

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