Land Conservation Measures May Be Widening the Racial Wealth Gap

A new study by researchers at the University of Rhode Island and the University of Illinois finds that protecting open space from development increases the value of surrounding homes. But a disproportionate amount of that newly generated wealth goes to high-income White households.

New Report Examines Racial Differences in Early Signs of Dementia

An estimated 6.5 million persons aged 65 years and over in the United States live with Alzheimer's disease, the most common dementia. This number is projected to double by 2060, with African Americans projected to have among the largest increases. College education was associated with a lower prevalence of subjective cognitive decline among all racial and ethnic groups.

Racial Inequality and the Staggering Toll on Life Expectancy

A new study led by researchers at Yale University reveals a staggering disparity in life expectancy between Black Americans and their White counterparts. The results show that there were 1.63 million excess deaths in the Black population compared with White Americans in the 1999-2020 period, representing more than 80 million excess years of potential life lost.

Yale University Study Examines the Racially Disparate Impact of Tax Deed Foreclosures

The research looks at how widespread tax deed foreclosures are and what effect they have on communities. Author Cameron LaPoint found that property tax foreclosure accelerates gentrification and contributes to the racial wealth gap by forcing out nonwhite homeowners and clearing the way for high-end property development.

White Victims of Floods Prefer to Stay Rather Than Relocate to More Diverse Neighbohoods

A new study by researchers at the Kinder Institute for Urban Research at Rice University in Houston finds that homeowners in mostly White communities who have suffered damage from floods prefer to accept higher risk of disaster repeating itself than relocate to areas with more racial diversity and less flood risk.

Study Examines Racial Disparity in Nursing Home Care

A new study led by Jasmine L. Travers, an assistant professor in the Rory Meyers College of Nursing at New York University, finds that residents of nursing homes where 50 percent or more of all residents were Black, had higher rates of hospitalizations and emergency room visits than nursing homes where a majority of residents were White.

Increasing the Success Rate of Black Students in STEM Disciplines

The main thesis of the study by researchers at Brown University is that efforts to get more minority students in STEM fields have been successful but far less is being done to help them succeed.

Students From Sub-Saharan African Nations at U.S. Colleges and Universities, 2021-22

During the 2021-22 academic year there were 42,518 students from sub-Saharan Africa enrolled at colleges and universities in the United States. They made up 4.5 percent of all foreign students at U.S. colleges and universities that year. This was the highest number of students from sub-Saharan Africa in history.

Sub-Saharan African Nations Sending the Most Scholars to Teach at U.S. Colleges and Universities

In the 2020-21 academic year, there were 1,483 scholars from sub-Saharan African nations teaching at U.S. colleges and universities. Due to the pandemic, this was down more than 24 percent from the previous academic year. Foreign scholars from sub-Saharan Africa made up only 1.7 percent of all foreign scholars teaching in the U.S. in the 2020-21 academic year.

Racial Disparities in Working From Home Before and After the Pandemic

In 2019, Whites were 80.5 percent of all people who worked from home. Blacks made up 7.8 percent of all home-based workers. By 2021, Whites were 66.8 percent of all home-based workers and Blacks made up 9.5 percent of this group.

Black Mothers With Advanced Degrees Have a Higher Rate of Preterm and Low-Weight Babies

The study, presented recently at the Pediatric Academic Societies in Washington, D.C., found that nearly 10 percent of Black mothers with a graduate degree had low birth-weight babies compared to 3.6 percent of White mothers with a master's or doctoral degree.

How to Maintain Racial Diversity If the Supreme Court Prohibits Race-Sensitive Admissions

A new report from the Center on Education and the Workforce in the School of Public Policy at Georgetown University finds that the racial and ethnic diversity of students at the nation's most selective colleges and universities will decrease significantly unless these colleges fundamentally alter their admissions practices.

Racial Differences in Employment Status of College Students and Recent Graduates

For people 20 to 29 years of age, Blacks made up 11 percent of all students who earned a bachelor’s degree in 2022. Some 83.6 percent of these recent African American college graduates were employed compared to 81.1 percent of Whites. But 8.7 percent of 2022 African American college graduates in this age group were unemployed, compared to 5.5 percent of White college graduates in this age group.

Five Percent of School Teachers Account for More Than a Third of Office Discipline...

The ratio of the Black-White gap in office discipline referrals was about 1.6-to-1 when considering all teachers but jumped to 3.4-to-1 when only the top 5 percent of all referring teachers were considered.

During the Early Pandemic, There Were Large Racial Gap in Rates of Death

The data shows that in 2019 before the onset of the pandemic, 351,097 African Americans died. In 2020, when the pandemic took hold, 456,491 African Americans died. This was an increase of 29.7 percent. The number of deaths for White Americans increased by 16.4 percent.

Washington University Study Examines Racial Differences in Glaucoma

A new study by researchers at Washington University sheds some light on the racial disparity of the disease glaucoma.

Black Youth’s Large Media Appetite

The study found that black and Latino youths spend one to two hours more watching television than whites and up to 90 minutes more on computers and cellphones.

Professor Gerald Early Solves a Mystery

In 2006 Gerald Early the Merle Kling Professor of Modern Letters and director of the Center for the Humanities at Washington University in St. Louis, purchased a copy of a 1950s comic book on eBay. The title of the comic was Negro Romance. Professor Early turned for help to the producers of the PBS television show History Detectives.

Expanding the Research on Stereotype Threat

Research conducted many years ago by Claude Steele at Stanford University, and later confirmed by Professor Steele and other researchers, has shown that black students perform poorly on standardized tests because they fear mistakes will confirm negative stereotypes about their group. A new study at Stanford has shown that this "stereotype threat" can also hinder black students in learning new material.

Two Atlanta HBCUs Participating in Major Robotics Research

Spelman College and Morehouse College are participating in a five-year, $18.5 million grant program to work on robotic devices that interface with the human nervous system.

5,000 Issues of Black Newspaper Made Available Online by Library at IUPUI

Library at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis provides online access to 5,000 issues of Indianapolis' black newspaper.

Study Finds That Perceptions of Race Can Be Altered by Cues of Social Status

In determining the race of a person in an image, participants were influenced by the subject's attire.

A Racial Breakdown of Financial Aid

In 1996 only 6 percent of undergraduates received merit-based grants. A decade later this percentage more than doubled.

Dispelling the Myth of the “Dumb Black Jock” in College Athletics

It is likely that the financial aid provided by an athletic scholarship is a critical factor in enabling many black student athletes to stay in school.

University Study Finds That Black Children Are Diagnosed With Autism Later Than White Children

The authors state that the discrepancy is probably due to unequal access to quality healthcare and a possible reluctance of Black parents to accept a diagnosis of autism.

How Race Impacts the Healthcare Debate

A new study shows that White Americans have different levels of support of healthcare reform depending on the race of the person they believed offered the proposal.

A Check-Up of Blacks in U.S. Medical Schools

Over the first decade of the 21st century, the Black percentage of all U.S. medical school graduates has declined.

University of Michigan Study Finds Racial Disparity in Prescriptions for Antidepressants

For patients with a major depressive disorder, Whites were 1.52 times as likely as Blacks to be prescribed antidepressant drugs.

The Huge Earnings Benefit for Minority Students Who Major in STEM Fields

The study found that Black and other minority students who major in STEM fields earn at least 25 percent more than their peers who majored in humanities or education.

A College Education Provides Major Economic Benefits for Blacks in California

The report found that lifetime earnings for African Americans with a four-year college degree in California have grown 85 percent, after adjusting for inflation, over the past 30 years.

Study Seeks to Identify Early Warning Signs of Dementia Among African Americans

Ishan Williams, an assistant professor at the University of Virginia School of Nursing, is conducting research on whether vascular problems among African Americans are leading to increased rates of cognitive impairment.

Survey Finds That Black Youth Are Not Interested in STEM Careers

A survey conducted by Harris Interactive for the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia found that 61 percent of all Black high school students are not interested in pursuing a career in heath care or the sciences.

University Study Examines Suicide Ideation Among Lower Income African American Women

A study by researchers at the University of Kentucky examines the relationship between racial and gender discrimination and suicide ideation.

A Check-Up on Black Progress in Nursing Degree Programs

According to data from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Black have made tremendous progress over the past decade in increasing their percentage of students in bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degree programs in nursing.

A Check-Up on Black Enrollments and Graduates of U.S. Medical Schools

While the number of African American enrollments in U.S. medical schools increased by nearly 8 percent over the past decade, the Black percentage of all medical school enrollments has decreased.

Researchers Find That Lack of Exercise Is Not a Major Contributor to the Racial...

The study examined the daily routines of more than 80,000 people and found that both Whites and Blacks spent at least 60 percent of their waking day in sedentary activities.

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