Two Atlanta HBCUs Participating in Major Robotics Research

Spelman College and Morehouse College are participating in a five-year, $18.5 million grant program to work on robotic devices that interface with the human nervous system.

The Princeton Review’s Survey of Race Relations on Campus

The schools that students said had a lot of interracial interaction were Loyola University of New Orleans, Stanford University, the University of Miami, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering, and the University of Alabama Birmingham.

Georgetown University Study Finds Racial Disparity in Care of Stroke Victims

A study by researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center finds a racial disparity in care for stroke victims.

Expanding the Research on Stereotype Threat

Research conducted many years ago by Claude Steele at Stanford University, and later confirmed by Professor Steele and other researchers, has shown that black students perform poorly on standardized tests because they fear mistakes will confirm negative stereotypes about their group. A new study at Stanford has shown that this "stereotype threat" can also hinder black students in learning new material.

Professor Gerald Early Solves a Mystery

In 2006 Gerald Early the Merle Kling Professor of Modern Letters and director of the Center for the Humanities at Washington University in St. Louis, purchased a copy of a 1950s comic book on eBay. The title of the comic was Negro Romance. Professor Early turned for help to the producers of the PBS television show History Detectives.

Black Youth’s Large Media Appetite

The study found that black and Latino youths spend one to two hours more watching television than whites and up to 90 minutes more on computers and cellphones.

Washington University Study Examines Racial Differences in Glaucoma

A new study by researchers at Washington University sheds some light on the racial disparity of the disease glaucoma.

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