Tag: University of Chicago
University of Chicago Study Finds Counseling Program Reduces Crime Rates of Minority Youth
Teens who participated in the program had a 44 percent reduction in violent crime arrests and a 36 percent reduction in arrest rates for other crimes compared to a control group.
University Research Finds Behavioral Problems of Multiracial Youth May Be Exaggerated
It has been widely believed that multiracial adolescents have more behavioral problems than African Americans and Whites because they are not accepted as peers by either ethnic group.
The Huge Earnings Benefit for Minority Students Who Major in STEM Fields
The study found that Black and other minority students who major in STEM fields earn at least 25 percent more than their peers who majored in humanities or education.
Cathy Cohen Honored for Her Undergraduate Teaching
The Quantrell Award, established in 1938 at the University of Chicago, is considered the nation's oldest prize for undergraduate teaching.
Two Black Scholars Win Prestigious Awards
Victor Mbarika of Southern University was honored by the Cameroon Association of Engineers and Computer Scientists and Timuel Black won the Benton Medal from the University of Chicago.
Mario Small Named Dean of Social Sciences at the University of Chicago
Dr. Small has been serving as a professor of sociology and chair of the department of sociology at the university.
Study Finds Students’ Attitudes on Race Change for the Worse During Their College Years
A survey finds that students are less concerned about promoting racial understanding when they are seniors than when they were freshmen.
Kimberly Goff-Crews Is Returning to Yale
The University of Chicago vice president is the former director of Yale's Afro-American Cultural Center.
For Young White Children, Language Trumps Race in Defining an Adult’s Identity
A unique experiment found that White and Black children placed difference emphasis on racial appearance and language.
President Obama’s Top Adviser on Urban Policy Going to the University of Chicago
In January Derek Douglas will become vice president for civic engagement.
Theaster Gates Is Leading the Effort to Strengthen Ties Between the University of Chicago and the Local Arts Community
Gates has been on the faculty at the University of Chicago since 2007.
In Memoriam: James Edward Bowman (1923-2011)
The father of presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett, Dr. Bowman was the first African-American tenured faculty member in the biological sciences at the University of Chicago.
Appointments, Promotions, and Resignations
Michael Dawson, Bernadine Duncan, Herman Frazier, Sandra DeLoatch, Cornelius Graves, Mark Coleman, and Patricia C. Hodge...