Tag: University of Washington

Three Black Women Faculty Members Appointed to New Positions at State Universities

Taking on new assignments are Timiebi Aganaba-Jeanty at the School for the Future of Innovation in Society at Arizona State University, Leslie R. Walker-Harding at the University of Washington School of Medicine, and Elizabeth Evans at Mississippi Valley State University.

Cornell University Research Shows Racial Bias Occurs on Dating Apps

According to the researchers, Black men and women are 10 times more likely to message White people than White people are to message Black people. Additionally, they also found that men who used these dating apps heavily viewed multiculturalism less favorably, and sexual racism as more acceptable.

University Study Finds That Black Men Are More Likely to Be the Victims of Killings by Police

Official police reports showed that police related deaths accounted for 4 percent of male homicides, while the researchers found this to actually be as high as 8 percent. During a six-year period, Black men were killed by police at the highest rate; 2.1 per 100,000 men.

Study Finds That Historically Black Colleges and Universities Pay More to Issue Bonds

The authors determined that HBCU bond issuance costs were about 20 percent higher than those of non-HBCUs, apparently because the bond underwriters found it more difficult for find buyers for the HBCU bonds. The researchers concluded that this was due to racial discrimination.

University of Montana Honors an Early Black Faculty Member

Gloria Hewitt taught at the University of Montana for 38 years and was one of the first African American women to earn a Ph.D. in mathematics. A scholarship for graduate students in mathematics has been established at the university in her name.

The Andrew Brimmer Collection at Harvard Is Now Available for Scholarly Research

Andrew F. Brimmer was a respected economist who was the first African American to serve as a governor of the Federal Reserve System. His massive archival collection of papers is now available for scholarly research at the library of Harvard Business School.

New Website Pays Tribute to Black Grandmothers

LaShawnDa Pittman, an assistant professor of American ethnic studies at the University of Washington, has established the website Real Black Grandmothers where she presents oral histories of African American grandmothers who play a vital role in the Black community.

Study Finds a Program in Racial Pride Can Enhance the Academic Success of African American Girls

A new study led by Janine M. Jones, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Washington, finds that African American girls who participate in an after-school program designed to enhance racial identity and pride can experience a positive impact on their academic success.

Study Finds a Persistent Racial Gap in Exposure to Air Pollution

Air pollution has been reduced nationwide but remains high in predominantly Black neighborhoods. A new study concludes that if Blacks breathed the same air as White people with similar levels of nitrogen dioxide, about 5,000 premature deaths from heart disease would be avoided annually.

Psychologists Find White College Students Continue to Hold Prejudicial Beliefs

A new study finds that many White college students continue to harbor racists beliefs. These beliefs lead many White students to communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults in the form of microaggressions.

University of Washington Scholar Maps Urban Sprawl and White Flight

As U.S. metropolitan areas have grown between 1990 and 2010, all racial and ethnic groups have tended to move away from city centers. But the data shows that Blacks have tended to migrate to inner-ring suburbs whereas Whites have moved to the outskirts.

The Next Dean of the College of Education at the University of Rhode Island

R. Anthony Rolle has been serving since 2014 as a professor and chair of the department of educational leadership and policy studies at the University of Houston. Earlier, he taught at Texas A&M University and the University of South Florida.

Scholars Say Color Blindness Avoids the Still Important Issue of Race

Scholars at the University of Kansas, the University of Washington, and the University of Wyoming say that professions of color blindness tell young people that their race or ethnicity doesn't matter or isn't an important factor in history or their everyday lives.

Study Finds That Young Children Can Learn Biases Through Nonverbal Signals From Adults

The research by psychologists at the University of Washington found that young children can perceive bias by parents and other adults they interact with through tone of voice or facial expressions.

The Brotherhood Initiative at the University of Washington Looks to Boost Graduation Rates

The goal of the new Brotherhood Initiative being launched this fall is to reduce the graduation rate gap between Black men and Black women and also to close the racial graduation rate gap. Joe Lott, an associate professor of education is leading the initiative.

Michelle Williams to Lead the Harvard School of Public Health

Since 2011, Dr. Williams has served as the Stephen B. Kay Family Professor of Public Health and chair of the department of epidemiology at the school. Earlier she taught at the University of Washington.

New Administrative Duties for Seven African Americans in Higher Education

Here is this week’s roundup of African Americans who have been appointed to new administrative positions at colleges and universities throughout the United States.

University Study Finds U.S. Urban Schools Aren’t Measuring Up

The University of Washington study found that there has been little or no academic progress in these largely minority urban schools. In 30 of the 50 cities, less than 15 percent of the students in the urban public schools took either the ACT or SAT college entrance examination.

Five African American Academics Honored With Major Awards

The honorees are Roslin Growe of the University of Louisiana Lafayette, Quintard Taylor of the University of Washington, Tony Brown of Hampton University, and Marie Chisholm-Burns and Noma Anderson, both from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis.

New Research Finds That 44 Percent of Black Women Say They Have a Family Member in Prison

According to a study conducted by researchers at Cornell University, the University of Washington, and the University of Michigan, 44 percent of Black women said they had a family member who was in prison. For White women, the figure was 12 percent.

University of Washington School of Law Aims to Increase Diversity

Students from underrepresented groups who are selected for the new fellows program will receive paid summer internships at area law firms or in the legal departments of area corporations after completing their first year of law school.

Black Students Called “Apes” During a Protest March at the University of Washington

One Black student said he heard several racial slurs as he marched past the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity house. The chapter president of the fraternity claimed the remarks were not made by members of the fraternity.

Terri Givens Named Provost at Menlo College in California

Dr. Givens, a professor of government at the University of Texas at Austin, was the first African American women to serve as vice provost at the University of Texas.

Higher Education Grants of Interest to African Americans

Here is this week’s news of grants to historically Black colleges and universities or for programs of particular interest to African Americans in higher education.

Interactive Teaching in College Science Classes Can Close the Racial Achievement Gap

A new study by researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University of Washington finds that "active learning" techniques in science courses in college classrooms help all students, but have particular benefits for African Americans.

New U.S. Ambassador Has Ties to Higher Education

Daniel W. Yohannes was recently sworn in as the United States Ambassador to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. He sits on advisory boards at the University of Washington and University of Colorado.

University Study Finds Favoritism Not Prejudicial Hostility Is the Root of Most Discrimination

A study finds that most discrimination in this country is favoritism directed at helping friends, family, or people of similar backgrounds or characteristics rather than mean-spirited dislike or prejudice against others.

The Racial Makeup of the Entering Class at the University of Washington

There are 181 African American in the entering class at the University of Washington. They make up 2.9 percent of the entering students. Blacks are 3.6 percent of population in the state of Washington.

Three African Americans Named to Vice President Positions

The new vice presidents are Debra S. Merchant at the University of Cincinnati, Denzil J. Suite at the University of Washington, and Michael C. Rogers at the University of the District of Columbia.

An Academic Redshirt Program in Washington State

Under the redshirt program, entering students will take five years to complete their bachelor’s degree in a STEM field. The program is targeted at students who are eligible for the federal Pell Grant program.

University Study Finds the Presence of Diversity Programs May Serve to Deflect Actual Inequities

Researchers found that companies that have diversity training programs benefit by giving the impression that they are concerned about equal employment opportunity, even when these companies don't necessarily offer better work environments for Blacks and other minorities.

Program Seeks to Increase the Diversity of Neuroscience Faculty

The Broadening the Representation of Academic Investigations in Neuroscience (BRAINS) program will feature a three-day seminar this coming January on Bainbridge Island in Washington.

University Research Finds Behavioral Problems of Multiracial Youth May Be Exaggerated

It has been widely believed that multiracial adolescents have more behavioral problems than African Americans and Whites because they are not accepted as peers by either ethnic group.

The Myth of Black Economic Progress

All the statistics on income, education, and employment exclude the large number of Americans who are incarcerated in prisons and jails, a population that is disproportionately Black.

The Changing Face of Residential Segregation

Three professors of geography have produced a new study showing that while racial diversity in American cities has increased in the past two decades, highly diverse neighborhoods are still very rare.

University Study Finds That Families Who Move Tend to Self-Segregate by Race

Study conducted by sociologists at the University of Washington finds that Black and Whites who move tend to end up in neighborhoods with predominantly Black or White residents.

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