Study Analyzes Effect of Racial Discrimination on Black Adolescent Brain Activity

The study analyzed a sample of Black adolescents' neural response to negative stimuli, cross-referenced with survey responses regarding the participants' internal and external emotional symptoms.

Yale Study Finds Childhood School Segregation Leads to Cognitive Disparities in Older Black Adults

When examining the connection between a variety of negative early-life experiences and cognitive function in older adulthood for Black seniors, attending a segregated school was found to have the largest effect on cognitive impairment compared to other childhood difficulties.

Study Finds Bias in the Workplace Results in Lower Productivity for Everyone

A new study has found bias in the workplace hurts everyone's productivity. The authors stress future research is needed to understand the nuances in how different types of discrimination, such as gender and racially-based biases, affect workplace efficiency.

Survey Finds Over a Third of Black College Students Have Experienced Bias on Campus

A new survey from educational consulting firm EAB, has found 34 percent of Black college freshman have experienced racial bias on campus. Additionally, 36 percent of all participants stated they had witnessed some form of racial discrimination during their first year of college.

Study Discovers Link Between Midlife Exposure to Racism and Risk of Dementia

Scholars at the University of Georgia, the University of Iowa, and Wake Forest University, have found an increased exposure to racial discrimination during midlife results in an increased risk for Alzheimer's disease and dementia later in life.

Africana Studies Faculty File Discrimination Complaint Against UMass Boston Administration

In the complaint, the faculty members claim the university's removal of Jemadari Kamara as department chair in 2022 was unfair and cite other instances of discrimination such as inadequate staffing, the prevention of professors from earning tenure, and a lack of funding for department events.

Study Finds Racist Patterns Among Commonly Used Artificial Intelligence Tools

The research found artificial intelligence language models such as ChatGPT can hold racist views towards speakers of African American Vernacular English, describing speakers of the dialect as less employable and more likely to be criminals.

White People More Likely to Stand Up to Racism on Social Media When Setting...

A new study from the University of Illinois and the University of California, Santa Barbara found that White people were more likely to confront racism on social media if their goal was to set social norms rather than change the author's personal beliefs.

Report Reveals Half of American Health Care Workers Have Observed Racism Towards Patients

New research has found that 47 percent of healthcare workers in the United States have observed racism against patients, and 52 percent believe racism to be a major problem in the medical field.

Study Finds Blacks Are More Likely Than Whites to Be Jumped in the Emergency...

A new study by researchers at Yale University finds that nearly one third of emergency room patients are jumped in line, with those from marginalized groups — including lower-income patients, non-white patients, and non-English speakers — more likely to be cut by others.

More Than One in Five Black Students in Higher Education Say They Face Discrimination...

A new survey by the Gallup Organization for the Lumina Foundation finds that 21 percent of all Black students currently enrolled in U.S. higher education say they feel discriminated against “frequently” or “occasionally” in their program. The problem is most severe at private, for-profit institutions, according to the survey.

High Levels of Depression Among College-Educated Black Americans Linked to Racial Discrimination

A study led by Darrell Hudson, an associate professor of social work at Washington University in St. Louis, finds that there is a significant association between everyday discrimination and depressive symptoms among college-educated African American young adults. More than 15 percent of the sample reported that they had been diagnosed with depression by a health care provider at some point in their lives.

University of Pennsylvania-Led Study Finds Racism in Emergency Room Care

The study found that one of every 10 Black patients at emergency rooms believed that their race impacted the quality of care that they received. Black patients reported that race most heavily affected the quality of care, respect, and communication.

American Sociological Association Rejects Efforts to Curtail Teaching of Racial Issues in Schools

The American Sociological Association recently issued a statement on the importance of teaching and learning about race and racism in the nation's public schools as well as on college and university campuses. The association strongly rejects efforts by many states to curtail the teaching of courses dealing with race.

Exposure to Lead-Based Paint Is Still Impacting the Racial Gap in Educational Progress

Lead-based paint was banned in the United States in 1978. But people who live in the nation's older housing stock - primarily those in impoverished urban areas still are at high risk of exposure to lead-based paint. Studies have shown that exposure to lead can have a significant negative impact on the cognitive abilities of young children.

Study Finds Teachers’ Biases and Fears Limit Needed Discussions About Race in the Classroom

Analyzing data from two large surveys, each including responses from more than 1,000 K-12 teachers, researchers at the Unversity of Massachusetts found that teachers’ implicit racial biases and their explicit fears of being perceived as racist both independently contributed to lower intentions to talk about race with their students.

Black Staffer at the University of Arkansas Files a Race Discrimination Lawsuit Over Unequal...

Synetra Hughes, managing director of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion in the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas, has filed a federal lawsuit claiming that she was paid less than White colleagues in similar roles at the university.

University of Pittsburgh Study Detected an Increase in Online Racism Directed at Black Youth

A new study by scholars at the University of Pittsburgh found half of all Black adolescents were faced with online racism at least once in 2020. These increases in online racial discrimination predicted worse same- and next-day mental health.

University of Maryland Study Finds Wide Political Divide on Views of Racial Discrmination

The study found that less than half of all American believe that there is more discrimination direct against African Americans than was the case five years ago. Some 40 percent of all respondents stated that they believed there was more discrimination directed against Whites than was the case five years ago

Baylor University Takes Steps to Confront Its Past Ties to Slavery

The board of regents of Baylor University in Waco, Texas, has decided to remove a statue of former president and slave owner Rufus Burleson from the quadrangle that has borne his name. Burleson was also a colonel in the Confederate Army.

Jim Crow Confronts Delaware State University Students on a Georgia Highway

Sheriff's deputies in Georgia stopped a bus carrying the Delaware State University women's lacrosse team for traveling in the left lane. But police officers used dogs to search luggage stored in bins under the bus for 30 minutes.

Meredith College in North Carolina Removes Name of Former Trustee From Campus Building

The board of trustees of Meredith College in Raleigh recently announced that Joyner Hall, named for an individual who advocated for white supremacy and unequal funding for schools based on race, will be renamed. "The racist ideas James Yadkin Joyner, who served as a trustee for 55 years, stood for throughout his lifetime, are antithetical to Meredith College’s mission, vision, and values,” the board said.

Study Finds That Black Male Teachers May Face Bias From Classroom Evaluators

A new study finds that when comparing similarly credentialed teachers whose pupils achieved at about the same level, White and female teachers were rated higher than Black men. Poor evaluations may lead to lower job satisfaction, fewer promotions, and more Black men leaving the teaching profession.

Penn State Dickinson Law School Is Establishing an Antiracist Development Institute

The Pennsylvania State University Dickinson Law School in Carlisle is creating an Antiracist Development Institute, a program offering organizations across the country systems design-based approaches to implementing antiracist practices, processes, and policies.

Study Finds Americans Are Less Likely to Respond to Emails If the Sender is...

The researchers sent emails to a random list of 250,000 Americans. When the sender had a White-sounding name, they were 15 percent more likely to receive a response than emails where the sender had a Black-sounding name.

Are Racial Issues Discussed in the Nation’s Predominantly White Classrooms?

A new study is examining how teachers are approaching the subjects of race and inequality with their students, particularly students in kindergarten to eighth grade. They found that in both urban and rural schools in the state of Minnesota, the issue of race was rarely brought up.

Pew Research Center Reports Show a Great Divide on the Status of Racial Progress

The American public is deeply divided over how far the nation has progressed in addressing racial inequality – and how much further it needs to go. Nearly 60 percent of Black adults say that the nation’s laws and major institutions need to be completely rebuilt because they are fundamentally biased. Only 18 percent of White adults agreed.

Report Concludes That the Virginia Military Institute Is Run by White Men, for White...

An independent investigation commissioned by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia found that VMI’s overall unwillingness to change — or even question its practices and traditions in a meaningful way — has sustained systems that disadvantage minority and female cadets and faculty.

New Survey of IT Professionals Documents Perceptions of Racism in the High-Tech Sector

Dice, the leading database for technology professionals, managing over 9 million profiles in the United States, recently released a new survey that examines perceptions of racism and discrimination in the high-tech industry by employees who work in the field.

Pearson’s Guidelines to Eliminate Systemic Racism in Educational Publishing

The guidelines aim to help content developers - including authors, reviewers, and editors - "create meaningful representations of minorities and challenge racial stereotypes and associated prejudices in all Pearson" products.

Scientists Call for an End to Racial Funding Disparities in Biomedical Engineering

Representatives from a network of women deans, chairs, and distinguished faculty in biomedical engineering are calling upon the National Institutes of Health and other funding agencies to address disparities in allocating support to Black researchers.

Better Late Than Never: American Psychiatric Association Apologizes for Its Racist Past

Prevailing Black stereotypes in psychiatry included fallacies that patients were hostile, unmotivated for treatment, had primitive character structure, and were child-like. The diagnosis of Drapetomania was centered around the idea that Black Americans who did not want to be slaves were mentally ill.

University of Minnesota Project Looks at How Interstate Highway Construction Affected Blacks

When constructing the system through urban areas, planners often chose routes that went through the poorest and predominantly Black neighborhoods. It was cheaper to obtain property in these neighborhoods and planners believed they would meet minimal resistance from residents and political leaders in these areas.

Racial Microaggressions May Be Pushing Black Students Out of STEM Disciplines

The study by researchers at the University of Illinois found when students of color in STEM majors felt excluded, invisible, or isolated on their college campus because of their race, sometimes combined with discouraging experiences in academic settings, they were less likely to continue in STEM.

Does the FBI’s Hate Crime Data Present A True Vision of Reality?

In 2019, there were 7,314 hate crime incidents reported to the FBI. More than 86 percent of all participating law enforcement agencies reported zero hate crimes in their jurisdictions. There were 245 reported hate crimes on college and university campuses in 2019.

UCLA Debuts an Online Interactive Hate Crime Map

The new website is intended to supplement reporting on such crimes, both by inviting submissions from people who have experienced such crimes and by tracking published accounts from news sources.

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