Grants and Gifts

• Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, received a three-year $731,278 federal grant to study the role heredity plays in prostate cancer among African Americans. Researchers at Jackson State University in Mississippi will also participate in the project.

• Southern University, the historically black educational institution in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, received a two-year, $200,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy for a project entitled “An Integrated Study of the Novel Thermal Barrier Coating for Nb-based High Temperature Alloy.”

Historically black Winston-Salem State University in North Carolina received a three-year, $296,340 grant from the National Science Foundation to develop game-like instructional models to enhance student learning in computer science classes.

The University of Illinois at Chicago received a three-year, $90,000 grant to study algebra learning among African-American high school students. The project will examine how students learn algebra and how classroom discussion and student-to-student conversations impact learning.

The research is under the direction of Maisie Gholsen, a third-year doctoral student in mathematics education at the university.

The University of Massachusetts received a five-year, $675,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to fund a study on whether introducing infants to the faces of people of different races may reduce racial prejudice later in life.

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